High School Teachers






English teachers pupils http://www.physicsweb.org/ good, useful, general physics and teaching
English teachers pupils http://www.physicsweb.org/resources/ good, useful, general physics and teaching
German, English teachers pupils http://home.t-online.de/home/ddd-science/index.htm private page
English teachers students http://hou.lbl.gov/ Hands-on universe, materials for teachers
German teachers students http://alpha.uni-sw.gwdg.de/~hou/index.html German version of Hands-on Universe
English teachers pupils http://www.iop.org/Physics/Electron/Exhibition/links/ teaching system, electron, useful
English teachers http://webphysics.davidson.edu/applets/applets.html very good simulations, can be changed by Java Script, different topics, for school
German teachers students http://iphlehramt.physik.uni-mainz.de/lehrsystem/  particle physics teaching system German (Uni Mainz), very good, can be ordered as CD
German teachers students pupils http://www.physik.uni-erlangen.de/didaktik/grundl_d_TPh/Titelseite.html  particle physics teaching system German (Uni Erlangen), very good, can be ordered as CD
English French Spanish teachers students pupils http://www.particleadventure.org/ particle physics teaching system English USA, very good, can be ordered as CD
German teachers students pupils general public http://www.desy.de/pr-info/Kworkquark/Welcome.html particle physics teaching system German (DESY Hamburg), OK, can be ordered as CD or diskette
English students teachers http://delonline.cern.ch/~jacobson/edu/cd/welcome.html CERN CD by Jacobson and Gillies
English pupils http://www.tryscience.com/ Simple simulations on science topics
German teachers http://iphlehramt.physik.uni-mainz.de/hepteach/ Teaching system
German pupils teachers general public http://opal.physik.uni-bonn.de/~mkobel/unischule/index.htm info system / teaching system, interesting
English teachers http://www.hep.anl.gov/ndk/hypertext/nuindustry.html links to Neutrino experiments, useful
English teachers students http://www-ik1.fzk.de/www/karmen/karmen_e.html informative, contains nice theory part incl. Oscillation
English teachers http://webnt.physics.ox.ac.uk/Neutrino/default.htm links to neutrino experiments
English teachers http://www.ps.uci.edu/~superk/ good, useful, Neutrino informations 
English teachers students http://www.ps.uci.edu/~superk/neutrino.html interesting, informative, a "Tour de Neutrino"
English students http://www-spof.gsfc.nasa.gov/Education/wcosray.html easy to read, informative, cosmic rays
English teachers http://www-hfm.mpi-hd.mpg.de/CosmicRay/CosmicRaySites.html Cosmic Rays/Gamma Rays/Neutrinos: A long list of links to experiments
English teachers students http://www-spof.gsfc.nasa.gov/Education/ easy to read, informations about fields, waves and radiation
English teachers pupils students http://www.iop.org/Physics/Electron/Exhibition/links/ useful, interesting, informations about the electron, teaching system
English teachers http://webphysics.davidson.edu/applets/applets.html useful, Java applications for teaching systems
German teachers students http://iphlehramt.physik.uni-mainz.de/lehrsystem/ good, useful, Teaching system in particle physics 
German teachers students http://www.physik.uni-erlangen.de/didaktik/grundl_d_TPh/Titelseite.html good, useful, Teaching system in particle physics 
English French Spanish teachers students http://www.particleadventure.org/ particle physics teaching system in different languages, good
English pupils, general public, children http://www.tryscience.com/ nice, simple simulations on science topics
English teachers pupils students http://superstringtheory.com/ informative, an animated tour to string theory
German teachers http://iphlehramt.physik.uni-mainz.de/hepteach/ informative, links to German teaching systems, teaching material
German students pupils http://opal.physik.uni-bonn.de/~mkobel/unischule/index.htm Teaching system in particle physics, useful
German teachers http://www.waloschek.de/pedro.htm Transparencies for Particle Physics
German teachers http://wpex40.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de/~pkrahmer/ Huge and useful collection of science links
English teachers http://van.hep.uiuc.edu/ Outreach program, some descriptions for download
English teachers http://www.cpepweb.org/ Ordering teaching material (USA)
English teachers http://www.cpepweb.org/cpep_sm_large.html Teaching material, chart, Particle Physics
English teachers http://sohowww.estec.esa.nl/ Informations and pictures about the SOHO sun satellite by ESA and NASA
English pupils students http://vcourseware4.calstatela.edu/ Virtual Courseware for Science Education
English all http://www.windows.umich.edu/ useful,Windows to the universe, Earth and Space Science
French all http://obswww.unige.ch/ Observatory Geneva, informative
English all http://www.pbs.org/wnet/hawking/html/home.html Stephen Hawking's Universe, informative, interesting
English teachers http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/teachers/ Exchange of ideas on teaching sujects
English teachers http://www.madsci.org/ Hard to find: some links, elsewhere useless
English teachers http://www.collegeboard.org/ap/physics/ problems and solutions in different levels
English teachers http://pdg.lbl.gov/ Particle Physics, useful background informations
English teachers http://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/links/ Link collection
English teachers http://science.nasa.gov/news/subscribe.htm Science+NASA news by email
English teachers pupils students http://www2.lucidcafe.com/lucidcafe/library/95dec/newton.html Biographies of some scientists
Italian teachers http://www.bo.astro.it/~biblio/Cis/panca3i.html Newton's physics for ladies, a book
English teachers students http://www.jyu.fi/tdk/kastdk/olympiads/ Information about the Physics Olympiads
Dutch teachers http://www.fys.ruu.nl/~wwwpmn/ Teaching information and resources in Dutch
English Swedish teachers http://www.abo.fi/fak/mnf/fysik/ Finnish site with some informations and links
Spanish teachers http://members.es.tripod.de/pefeco/index.htm Java applets
several languages teachers http://home.a-city.de/walter.fendt/physesp/physesp.htm Java applets in different languages
German teachers students http://axp01.e18.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~skript/index.html informative, useful, lots of material and scripts about particle physics
Hungarian English teachers http://www.phy.bme.hu/education/schrd/index_h.html Particle physics material in Hungarian
German teachers http://www.uni-potsdam.de/u/physik/didaktik/teacherspage/teach1.htm Teacher's page, different physics topics, some links don't work
English teachers http://weblib.cern.ch/publreq.php Ordering books and other print media from CERN
English teachers http://www.bnl.gov/bnlweb/rhicreport.html  Brookhaven informations
German teachers pupils students http://www.technorama.ch/  interesting, informative, a real and a virtual Science Center
English teachers http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-ph/9903472 Article about Particle Physics from Stars
English kids pupils http://www.energy.ca.gov/education/ Informations and activities to Energy
English pupils students http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/atom/ Interactive Tool to create stable Particles and Atoms
English teachers http://www.newscientist.co.uk/  Science Magazin
English teachers students http://webphysics.ph.msstate.edu/jc/library Collection of physics simulations, useful
English teachers students http://www.schoolscience.co.uk Materials and informations, mainly Chemistry
English teachers http://webnt.physics.ox.ac.uk/documents/WebGuide/default.html  Useful collection of links 
English teachers students http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/BaBarpub/  interesting, about Antimatter and the BaBar Project
English teachers http://www.compsoc.man.ac.uk/~heth/babar/index.html  Teaching material about the Antimatter Project BaBar
English teachers http://www.cern.ch/Press/Releases99/PR14.99EGranSasso.html  CERN Press information about the Gran Sasso Neutrino Experiment
English teachers http://www.bnl.gov/bnlweb/rhicreport.html  Repor: Speculations about Black Hole in the Brookhaven experiments
English teachers http://www.rhic.bnl.gov/  Homepage of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, Brookhaven
English teachers http://www.aip.org  The American Institute of Physics Homepage
English teachers, some students http://www.cern.ch/CERN/Announcements/2000/NewStateMatter/ Informative, useful,animated story about Quark-Gluon-plasma
English teachers students http://webcast.cern.ch/live.php3 Link to CERN's live webcast page with actual RM-files
English all http://www.appleonline.net/oundlephysics/physics/home.htm Physics page of Oundle School, interesting
English students teachers http://python.swan.ac.uk/~pydunbar/masterclass/particle_events/home.html  A tour through particle physics with pictures of events as practising
English students teachers http://hepwww.ph.man.ac.uk/~wyatt/events/home.html  A tour through particle physics with pictures of events as practising
English students teachers http://www.ep.ph.bham.ac.uk/user/watkins/seeweb/BubbleChamber.htm  useful, interesting, a set of Bubble Chamber pictures with tasks
English students teachers http://wwwlapp.in2p3.fr/neutrinos/aneut.html  informative, History of the Neutrinos
English all http://www.cern.ch/livefromcern/  Special, interesting topics on CERN research 
English all http://nicewww.cern.ch/~hheath/ase/index.htm  Slide Show: Journey to the heart of matter, useful
Dutch teachers pupils students http://home4.freegates.be/wereld_is_mooi/  Physics teaching utilities, lessons, material - useful, informative
English teachers http://web.iihe.ac.be/  High Energy Physics in Belgium
English teachers http://www.physicsweb.org/TIPTOP/  Useful links, applets, information for teaching physics


© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN. Last modified: 28 June 2002