![]() ©CERN Geneva |
CERN The European Laboratory for Particle Physics High School Teachers 2000 Program July 2, 2000 to July 21, 2000
Sister Mary Catherine Burns, S.U.S.C Physics/Mathematics Teacher Coyle and Cassidy High School Taunton, MA 02780 USA |
PURPOSE The purpose of the program is to bring together teachers from all members countries as well as a few from the United States to learn about particle physics, about teaching it to young people and about the contributions the field of physics makes to society in general. |
©CERN Geneva
What is a detector used for in particle physics?
Are there different kinds of detectors?
What are the other ways you can categorize them?
What are the names of the kinds of detectors used at CERN in the CMS ?
What is the CMS?
How do all the different kinds of detectors get arranged in the CMS?
Is there any everyday thing that shows how all of these different detectors work together to solve the problem of identifying particles?
How does a tracking detector work?
Where is there more informtion about
detectors on the web?
ANSWERS - Long and Short
What is a detector used for in particle physics? TO IDENTIFY THE VARIOUS PARTICLES
The detector is a device that allows scientists to interpret signs left by the particles as they pass through it. Different particles have different "signatures" or tracks by which they can be recognized. As a result of using the detectors they can identify different particles and discover properties of these particles.
The W boson The Top Quark The Z0 boson Neutral current
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![]() ©CERN Geneva |
![]() ©CERN Geneva |
![]() ©CERN Geneva |
Are there different kinds of detectors? YES - FOR MEASUREMENT OF POSITION AND OF ENERGY
Yes, there are. One way to categorize them is by their function. Detectors do one of two things. They may measure the position of passing particles, allowing scientists to reconstruct the path they took and thus calculate the momentum of the particle or they may measure the energy of the particle. This assists the scientists when they try to identify the particles and may add to the information already known about the particle.
The table below gives you an
idea of how the different detector layers tell the scientist which particle left the
track. If you would like to test your understanding of this chart and how it works
click here.
Positon | Energy | Energy | Energy | |
Tracking chamber |
Electromagnetic calorimeter |
Hadronic calorimeter |
Muon chambers | |
electron & positrons | YES | YES | - | - |
photons | - | YES | - | - |
pions | YES | YES | - | - |
neutrons | - | - | YES | - |
muons neutrinos | YES | YES | YES | YES |
What are the other ways you can categorize them? BY DESIGN AND FUNCTION
Detectors can also be
categorized by their design and function. Properties such as charge, energy and momentum
need to be measured in different ways, hence the need for a variety of design in building
What are the names of the kinds of
detectors that have been used or are presently being used at CERN ?
The very first detector was the bubble
chamber. The scientists could use it to measure the position and the energy of the
different particles. In the middle picture various particles are identified next to the track they made. In the picture at the far right is Donald Glaser, inventor of the bubble chamber. He received the Nobel Prize for his invention in 1970. |
![]() ©CERN Geneva |
![]() ©CERN Geneva |
Many new ones have been designed since then.
Tracking detectors include:
proportional wire chambers,
pixel detectors,
drift chambers,
silicon detectors,
gas microstrip chambers (or MSGCs),
and muon chambers.
![]() ©CERN Geneva |
![]() ©CERN Geneva |
![]() ©CERN Geneva |
Silicon Vertex detector | Pixel detector readout chip | Scintillator for particle detection |
Energy measuring detectors are called calorimeters.
There are two kinds: electromagnetic and hadron.
They are often named ECAL and HCAL.
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![]() ©CERN Geneva |
One half of the electromagnetic calorimeterof the OPAL detector. | Aleph Hadronic Calorimeter |
How does a tracking detector work?
Very simply - the curvature of the path can be measured and from that the momentum can be determiined. Here is how it works:
The track is circular is circular so the force required to keep the particle moving on a circular path is given by
F = mv2 / r
The force experienced by a particle in an electric field is given by
F = qvB
The field CAUSES the circular path, the EFFECT; so here it means that
qvB = mv2 / r
which simplified is mv = qBr = p
the conclusion is that the MOMENTUM, p, can be calculated since the charge, q, is known, the
induction of the electric field, B, is known and the radius, r, can be measured.
How do all the different kinds of detectors get arranged in the CMS?
If you think of an onion you have a good idea of this answer. The particle
comes in at the center of the detector. The first layer wrapped around the beam line
(as the opening left for the particle is called), are the pixel detectors. Going
away from the center the silicon detectors come next and then the gas microstrip
chambers. Continuing out from the center, the electromagnetic calorimeters are
placed next followed by the hadron calorimeters.
Is there any everyday thing that shows how all of these different detectors work together to solve the problem of identifying particles?
In fact there are a few. Consider a coin sorter. You drop a handful of coins into the top of the sorter and they go each into its own cylinder. Another way you might think about this is to put pieces of screening with different size holes above one another. The screen with the largest holes goes on top and the one with the smallest holes goes on the bottom. When a handful of stony soil is poured on top, the largest stones are not able to get through the first screen. Each successive screen filters out the next size stones.
Test of your ability to use the particle identification chart:
Positon | Energy | Energy | Energy | |
Tracking chamber |
Electromagnetic calorimeter |
Hadronic calorimeter |
Muon chambers | |
electron & positrons | YES | YES | - | - |
photons | - | YES | - | - |
pions | YES | YES | - | - |
neutrons | - | - | YES | - |
muons | YES | YES | YES | YES |
1. This particle does not leave any track in the tracking chamber
but loses all of its energy in the electromagnetic calorimeter.
2. This particle goes through every layer of the detector and
comes out of it still with some energy.
3. This particle does not leave any track in the tracking chamber;
it loses very little energy in the electromagnetic calorimeter;
but it deposits the rest of its energy in
the hadronic calorimeter.
4. This particle leaves a track in the tracking chamber and
deposits all of its energy in the electromagnetic
5. This particle leaves a curved track in the tracking chamber and deposits all of its energy in the electromagnetic calorimeter.
Where is there more informtion about detectors on the web?
NOTE: Links are active only if the site reference is colored blue; otherwise you must type in the address yourself.
a) http://www2.slac.stanford.edu/vvc/detectors/vertex.html
This is a large site
with a lot of information on many different aspects of detecting particles
b) http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/SCIENCE/lepcolexp.html
This is a great site to
get a close look at how a detector works
c) http://www.ph.rhbnc.ac.uk/publicity/masterclass/events/taunuqq.html
Visualization of
significant "hadronic" events, with links to others
f) http://www.fnal.gov/pub/fermilab_intro.html
g) http://www.fnal.gov/pub/hep_descript.html
h) http://www.fnal.gov/pub/electronic_game.html
1. the photon
The photon is not charged so leavesno track in the tracking
Positon | Energy | Energy | Energy | |
Tracking chamber |
Electromagnetic calorimeter |
Hadronic calorimeter |
Muon chambers | |
photons | - | YES | - | - |
2. the muon
Positon | Energy | Energy | Energy | |
Tracking chamber |
Electromagnetic calorimeter |
Hadronic calorimeter |
Muon chambers | |
muons | YES | YES | YES | YES |
3. the neutron
Positon | Energy | Energy | Energy | |
Tracking chamber |
Electromagnetic calorimeter |
Hadronic calorimeter |
Muon chambers | |
neutrons | - | - | YES | - |
4. either the electron or the positron
By the direction of the curvature the correct one can be identified
Positon | Energy | Energy | Energy | |
Tracking chamber |
Electromagnetic calorimeter |
Hadronic calorimeter |
Muon chambers | |
electron & positrons | YES | YES | - | - |
5. a pion
Positon | Energy | Energy | Energy | |
Tracking chamber |
Electromagnetic calorimeter |
Hadronic calorimeter |
Muon chambers | |
pions | YES | YES | - | - |
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