High School Teachers





Webcasting - live broadcasts from CERN 0n-line.

Webcasting as a new programme run from CERN where sessions aimed at Schools are broadcast via the internet in real time, using a small video image and larger still images. Links are made to other sites, and e-mails are answered during the session. The same technology is being used to archive lectures at CERN and make them available freely on the web.  Previous webcasts are archived.  Details of the project and how you can receive and play the files can be found at  webcast.cern.ch

HST2000 looked at webcasting as a leaning tool and as an instructional medium.  We took it upon ourselves to turn some of the lessons from CERN into Webcast presentations.  Examples of our work:

Cosmic Ray Cascades based on Peter Dunne's work at Preston University

Creation of Particle Beams derived from lectures by Olav Ullaland & techs at Western Test Area

Microcosm Tour virtual tour of Microcosm Displays & Exhibits

*** Important note: In order to view current webcast material, your machine must have QuickTime4.  You can use our copy of QuickTme4 Player -- For Windows  or   For Macs.  Or you can acquire your own version becasue QuickTime4 Player can be downloaded for free, read the instructions very carefully because the same page tries to sell you QuickTime4 Pro.



EXAMPLE of a webcast (still) screen

© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN

Last modified: 28 June 2002