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The Universe GameParticle Physics Game by Joe Cook (USA) According to our present Standard Model Theory of Physics, the universe started some 15 billion years ago as a Big Bang. The Big Bang was an explosion that pushed the mass of the universe from a point outward to form the stars, galaxies and eventually the solar systems. This game introduces some of the concepts of the Standard Model in a fun and exciting way. The game promotes collective work and cooperation. Students are encouraged to work together as a group to answer the questions so that everyone can get through the spiral of evolution. It is certain that some students will get through before others but their expertise can be called upon when there are mind-boggling questions. We only ask that one waits to be called on to give ones expertise when it is not ones turn. Students are also invited to add questions of their own to the board. Objective: The object of the game is for all of the players to get from the start to the end of the spiral and out to the universe as quickly as possible. Once everyone has finished, the game is over. There can be one to four players. Each player chooses a game piece that represents a particle. The particles are as follows red cork pieces are
up-quarks blue cork pieces are down
quarks red tops are protons blue tops are neutrons black metal tops are
electrons white metal tops are
positrons clear plastic tops are gamma
rays yellow tops are neutrinos green tops are mesons gray tops are anti-mesons One
must upon choosing a particle make it around the board in order to finish
the game. The game is not won until the last player makes it around the
board. If your piece lands on a square with a word written on it, go to that
stack, choose the top card and follow that instruction. If your piece lands
on a square with a written instruction, follow the instruction immediately.
After answering the question, place the card on the bottom of the stack to
be used again. If your piece lands on a square with an anti-particle, those
particles annihilate and change into a gamma ray. Sometimes particles decay
when they land on a space with the word decay written on it. They must
then choose one of the resulting particles as their game piece. Keep
track of the time it takes to finish the game on a time chart in order to
get an idea of the random nature of scientific processes. You can also add
cards with new instructions to each stack to make the game more interesting. Good luck! Particles q, Quark- Quarks are
the basic building blocks for protons and neutrons. There are six different
quarks of which only two will be used as game pieces in this game. However
students are encouraged to modify the game as their level of sophistication
e, Electron is an
elementary particle ΅, Muon - decays
into an elecron, anti-electron neutrino and a muon neutrino. The muon
behaves like an electron, has a negative charge but weighs more. π, Pion -
decays into a muon and an anti-muon neutrino. p, A proton is in the
nucleus and is composed of three quarks, two up quarks and one down quark.
It was once thought to be an elementary particle. The proton has a positive
(+) charge and a mass of 938 MeVs. n, A neutron is in
the nucleus and is composed of three quarks, two up quark and one down. It
was once thought to be an elementary particle. The neutron has no charge. A
neutron decays into a proton, an electron and a neutrino. The neutron leaves
no tracks in a detector as do all neutral particles. v, Neutrino-There are
three types of neutrinos- muon, electron and tau neutrinos. Neutrinos have
virtually zero mass and travel at the speed of light. They can travel
through any matter. It is now believed that the other two neutrinos
oscillate and change into electron neutrinos. Gamma Rays Gamma
rays materialize into an electron and a positron under the influence of a
nearby nucleus. It has no charge and zero mass. It is used in X-ray machines
and travels at nearly the speed of light. Each player chooses a particle.
All particles are placed on the start square at the beginning of the game..
The dice are tossed and play proceeds counter-clockwise from highest to
lowest number. In the case of a tie the players who tie should roll again to
break the tie. The first player throws and
moves his die to that number of squares. The player must follow the
directions on that square unless they have an exempt card. When one arrives within five
spaces ofentering the universe, that player must throw the exact number of
the number of spaces needed to complete the game. Players may assist upon request
another payer to answer a question and can pass exempt cards to each other. More Information At the time of the Big Bang,
some 15 million years ago, the beginning of our universe, scientists believe
that the only life was elementary particles in the form of quarks, electrons
and neutrinos. The temperature then was 10^16 KΊ , hotter than our sun
today. These particles zoomed at speeds close to the speed of light. Seconds
after the explosion, the universe began to cool and the particles began to
come together to make bigger particles, the atoms, the molecules and finally
the beginning of life forms as we know them today. In this game you will start off as one of those particles and as you go through the board, you will evolve in many unpredictable ways until you emerge into the universe. We hope that you will appreciate the various stages that nature goes through in order to be. Since the presence of men and women on earth, there has been a continuous effort to understand the forces that hold the elementary particles, the building blocks of matter, together. This game provides some information on the forces, the particles and the technology devised to create, accelerate, detect and identify them as well as how they are used to make the world a better place in which to live. The piles of cards consists
of Particle Interactions Quarks A down-quark combines with
another down quark and an up quark to form a neutron, a neutral particle
carrying no charged and found in the nucleus of an atom. An
up-quark combines with another up-quark and a down quark to form a proton, a
positive charged particle also found in the nucleus of an atom. ?An
up-quark joins with a down quark to form a +pi-meson. ?A down-quark joins with a an up
quark to from a pi-meson.
Protons and neutrons -A proton joins with a neutron
to form a hydrogen nucleus- a proton and a neutron. -A hydrogen nucleus joins with
an electron to form a hydrogen atom, H. -Two hydrogen atoms combine to
form hydrogen gas, H2 -Hydrogen gas forms with one
atom of oxygen to form water
Neutrinos There are three types of
neutrinos, the mu, electron and tau neutrinos. Neutrinos have no mass and no
charge. They seldom interact and travel at the speed of light.
Electrons Electrons are ≈ 1/2000
times the mass of a proton which means that they are small particles but
carry an equal but opposite charge. We say that they are negatively charged
particles. They zoom around the nucleus of the atom at very high speeds.
They have an anti-matter partner called the positron that has the same mass
but a positive charge. When the two collide, they annihilate and form gamma
rays and quarks.
Cosmic Rays are high energy protons from outer space that strike
particles in earths atmosphere. These collisions produce showers of
particles that produce pions, muons, electrons, neutrinos and other
particles. Cosmic rays leave a heavy dark track on bubble chamber
photographs. Stacks of cards. The different stacks are as follows
Particles - includes some of the ways that the particles decay and
interact with each other and also contains some question cards
Bubble Chamber a
chamber filled with superheated hydrogen and other gases in which form small
bubbles along the trail of charged particles that travel through it. Neutral
particles like the neutron, K°, π° and gamma ray leave no trail. One
detects them by knowledge of the decay process. The bubble trails are then
photographed from different perspectives and the film is studied to provide
information on the types of particles involved in the interaction.
Accelerators- Machines
that propel particles at high speeds and then smashes them into each other
or a target in order to break them and create other particles.
Detectors- Machines that
are part of accelerators and are used to track and identify the particles
created in an accelerator. If you get caught on an accelerator that measures
your type of particle, you are trapped and must start over. Technology-
comprises the machines themselves as well as the spin-off products that make
life better or worse.
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© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN. | Last modified: 28 June 2002 |