Teacher Notes: decay Bubble Chamber
The beam is made of 10 GeV/c particles blasting through the CERN 2m Hydrogen Bubble
Chamber. The beam tracks are the almost straight, parallel lines across the
First you want to find out about the beam and the magnetic field. The bubble chamber shows tracks only for charged particles, and the magnetic field makes the charged particles curve in opposite directions for opposite charges. Try printing the picture and then hold it so that you are looking along the tracks at a very flat angle. The beam tracks will be the most obvious tracks. You may see that they curve slightly.
Look for the electrons. Pay attention to the spirals that look as if they are starting on the tracks of the beam particles. These electrons are being knocked out of hydrogen atoms, and they move forward in the same direction as the beam. You see one large spiral to the left and several small ones coming off the beam. So, the beam in this picture is coming in from the left, and the magnetic field makes negative charges curl in a counter-clockwise direction.
What is the interaction? This is a bit tricky, because from this camera angle the center of the picture is complicated. Sort out the background tracks you can ignore. (If you had the two other camera angles to compare, it would be easier.) The two slightly curving tracks and the straight track between them that cut across the entire field are not part of the interaction we want to follow. They come from an interaction upstream and simply happen to be in the right place to confuse you.
The interaction you are interested in starts with the short
curved track in the center that decays into three tracks. This is a , but not a beam particle. How do you know it isnt formed by
a beam interaction at the point where it appears? You can see that the beam continues straight on and out the
far side of the picture.
What produced this ? One possibility is that a beam particle hit the wall,
forming a neutral
. The
doesnt leave any track, but it is still moving at near light
speed. Eventually it interacts with one of the bubble chamber protons to
produce a new
. But now it is a comparatively low momentum particle, and it
curves in the magnetic field. The
track ends by disintegrating, or decaying, into three tracks.
64% of the time, disintegrates directly into
; 21% of the time into
Only 6% of the
disintegrations produce three particles:
Amazing! You now have more particles than you started with.
More importantly, this isnt just a question of one big lump of matter shattering
into several smaller ones, like smashing s big rock into pebbles. If you write
down the quarks for the and the three pions, you find that you started with only two
quarks, and you end up with six:
Have you violated any conservation laws? What about Conservation of Mass? Conservation of Energy? Check out the masses of your particles:
493.67 MeV 3(139.57) MeV + extra
Aha! The easily has enough
energy in its rest mass to make three pions.
The pions curve in the magnetic field. You can tell from the curvature whether each one has a positive or a negative charge. Has charge been conserved?
The and
convert into
. These travel only a very short distance in the chamber. Why
such a short track? The difference in mass,
, is small, which leaves only a small kinetic energy, 34 MeV.
A heavy particle with low energy can have only a very low velocity and low
momentum, and it will not travel far in the bubble chamber. (For a full development
of the energy balance, see:
Energy and Momentum Conservation in Pion Decay)
The two then decay into positrons,
. How do you know that the positrons have positive charge?
disappears without producing anything. What happened? It
probably hit the glass window in the bubble chamber.
Have the particles violated any obvious laws? Is momentum
conserved? Try drawing tangents to the initial direction of the pions. You
dont have measurements for this picture, but the direction of the sum of the
momenta for the three pions agrees with the direction of the momentum of the .
Look at one of the decays. How peculiar.
Suddenly the muon takes off at a sharp angle to the track of the pion. This is
a clue. When you see a particle moving out from the site of an interaction or a
decay, carrying some momentum in one direction, it means that something else,
another particle, carried momentum in the opposite direction. Here it must be a
neutral particle (you already have accounted for the charges), and neutral
particles, remember, leave no tracks in the bubble chamber. In this case
neutrinos are the invisible particles taking the opposite momentum:
Then, when the muons decay to electrons and positrons, you see only the charged electron or positron, but not the neutrino or antineutrino:
With their near zero mass, those and
have high velocity, and because they will not likely to be
interacting, they are moving out into the galaxy. The
lose their energy by radiation and spiral to a stop in the
bubble chamber,