In Newtonian
mechanics, the velocity in x direction for example, is defined as
so it might be thought that
is the analogous quantity, where xi is a coordinate of
the space-time 4-Vector.
However, dt is not Lorentz invariant.
Instead, we should differentiate with respect to a Lorentz invariant quantity. We’ll use the proper time, dt, which is just time according to the frame of particle at its location.
Where ds is the space-time interval.
Hence, the 4-velocity of a particle can be written as:
where its components are:
where ux, uy, uz, are the speed-components of a particle moving in the frame S.
If Lorentz matrix D
acts on the 4-Vector
, we get the particle speed components
in the S’ frame.
The matrices product gives:
From the last expression, we obtain:
This one will be substitute in the first three relations, and we get:
One can compute the particle total speed u’ in the S’ frame:
and we get the following