7.  Building particles from quarks

The observed particles were either leptons, three quark groupings or quark-antiquark pairs. Three quark groupings or quark-antiquark pairs are called hadrons.

The hadrons containing three quarks (or three antiquarks) are known as baryons (baryon means 'heavy')

The hadrons containing quark-antiquark pairs are known as mesons (meson originally meant medium mass but it was eventually recognised that many mesons have masses greater than some baryons)

The quark content of some typical baryons and mesons is listed below. It can be seen that all of the particles can be constructed from the basic quarks and antiquarks of the quark family.

In some cases it can be see that a particle is seen as a combination of quark pairs. This way of presenting the combination reflects the mathematical descriptions of the particles.


Baryons (spin 1/2):

p  =  uud    n  =  udd    L =  uds    S+  =  uus    S0  =  uds    S-  =  dds    X0  =  uss    X-  =  dss    L+c  =  udc


Baryons (spin 3/2)

D++  =  uuu    D+   =  uud,    D0   =  udd    D-  =  ddd    S*+  =  uus    S*0  =   uds    S*-  =   dds    X*0  =  uss   

X* =  dss    W-    =  sss


Pseudoscalar mesons (spin 0)


Vector mesons (spin 1)

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