Computer logger, computer, motion sensor, spiral spring and weight with card attached.
1. Attach the motion sensor to DIG/SONIC1 of the computer logger.
2. Open the logger program on the computer.
3. Hang the spiral spring from the retort stand.
4. Hang the weight, with a card attached, on the spring.
5. Place the motion sensor 0.50 m under the card.
6. Click on Set Up.
7. In Set Up menu click on Data Collection.
8. In pop-up window click on Real Time Collect.
9. Click on Sampling
· set Experiment Length at 5 seconds
· set Sampling Speed at 20 samples/second
10. Click
on OK.
The card is attached to the weight to give a good reflective
surface. It is not needed if the base
of the weight is large enough.