Using the supplied software, it is found that calculated values of PV are not constant, and the graph does not go through the origin. Therefore these results do not support Boyle’s law. However, the values of Volume recorded are only the volumes of air in the syringe. No allowance has been made for the air in the connection to the sensor, or in the gas pressure sensor itself. A correction of the order of 0.7 cm3 added to each volume improves matters considerably. The true volume of air is the syringe reading added to approximately 0.7 cm3. It is possible to create a file which allows for this, and which can be saved to provide a ready-made template for the experiment.
Setting up the software for Boyle’s law
1. Start the logger program.
2. In the File menu click on Open.
In the pop-up window, double click on the folder Chemistry with Computers.
4. In the new window double click on Exp 06 Boyle’s Law.
5. In the next pop-up window select Gas Pressure Sensor and click on Open.
6. The Graph Window now has appropriate labels and the correct sampling mode has been set.
To create a column for Syringe
Click on Data in the menu bar.
In the drop-down menu select Column
Options, then select Volume.
In the pop-up window type Syringe
Reading as the Long Name.
Complete the fields as appropriate.
Click OK.
To create a
column for Volume
Click on Data in the menu bar.
In the drop-down menu select New Column, then
select Formula.
In the pop-up window complete the fields (Volume, V, cm^3).
Click the Definition tab. In the Equation
field type 0.7 +
In the Variables
field click the down arrow, select Syringe Reading and click OK.
6. The column Volume immediately appears in the data table window.
Click on Data in the menu bar.
In the drop-down menu select New Column,
In the pop-up window complete the fields (Inverse Volume,
1/V, cm^-3).
Click the Definition tab. In the Equation
field type 1/V.
In the Variables field click the
down arrow, select Volume and click OK.
6. The column 1/V immediately appears in the data table window.
1. Click on Data in the menu bar.
2. From the drop down menu select New Column and choose Formula.
In the new window click on the Definition
Place the cursor in the Equation field .
In the Variables field click the
down arrow, select Pressure, and type *
6. In the Variables field click the down arrow, select Volume and click OK.
In the File menu click on Save As…
In the pop-up window Save in Physics with Computers.
Type in a name for the file, e.g. “Boyle’s Law
4. Click Save.
The experiment file is now saved in the computer and can be called up when required.
1. Set the syringe to 10 cm3 and attach by screwing onto the gas pressure sensor.
2. Attach the gas pressure sensor to CH 1 of the logger.
3. Attach the logger to the computer.
4. Start the computer logger program.
5. In the File menu click on Open.
6. In the pop-up window, double click on the folder Physics with Computers.
7. In the new window double click on Boyle’s Law Amended.
8. The Graph Window now has appropriate labels and the correct sampling mode has been set.
9. If necessary, set the horizontal axis to volume and the vertical axis to pressure by clicking on the axes labels.
1. With
the syringe set at 15 cm3 press at the top of the
2. When
the Pressure reading is stable press .
3. In the pop-up window, enter 15 for volume and click OK.
4. Change the syringe volume to 14 cm3 and repeat Steps 2 and 3, this time entering 14 for the volume.
5. Continue changing the syringe volume in 1cm3 decrements down to 5 cm3, collecting data as before.
6. After the final data point press Stop to end data collection. A graph of P against V has been generated in the Graph Window.
Data Manipulation and Analysis
To generate a graph of P against 1/V
· Click on the label of the horizontal axis
· In the window click the button 1/V
To see the origin
· Click on View in the menu bar.
· In the menu select Graph Options and click on the Axis Options tab
· Set both axes to Autoscale from 0
To draw a line of best fit
· Click on Analyse in the menu bar
· In the drop down menu select Linear Fit
A line of best fit appears in the graph window. A floating box gives numerical details.
To view column for PV
Select the Table Window. To see values of PV either maximise the window, or scroll to the right.
Sample Data
Syringe/cm3 Pressure/kPa Volume/cm3 1/Volume/cm -3 PV/kPa cm3
15.00 72.00 15.85 0.06309 1141
14.00 76.66 14.85 0.06734 1138
13.00 82.33 13.85 0.07220 1140
12.00 88.57 12.85 0.07782 1138
11.00 95.72 11.85 0.08439 1134
10.00 105.5 10.85 0.09217 1144
9.000 115.3 9.850 0.1015 1136
8.000 128.3 8.850 0.1130 1135
7.000 144.9 7.850 0.1274 1138
6.000 166.4 6.850 0.1460 1140