Visit Glyn
Factory for the assembly of LHC quadrupoles |
Lecture Michelangelo Mangano
Introduction to the Standard Model, part III |
Lunch break
Lecture+discussion John Ellis
Antimatter in the Universe |
Leisure Rostislav Halas,
Petr Jilek
Czech beer tasting and honey gingerbread tasting |
here to see color version
note: clicking on day's date will give you more details (including pictures) about the day
Lecture Edward
"Rocky" Kolb (Fermilab)
Astroparticle Physics |
Lecture Niels
Doble (CERN, SL Division)
How do you make a neutron, dad? |
Lunch break
Presentation Peter
Lancaster Particle Physics and Modellus |
Arjan Vervej
Superconductivity wires testing facility |
WGs |
Discussion Peter
Dunne, Karl Sarnow
How we should introduce particle physics to students |
Lunch break |
Presentation Small
experiments WG
Gravity, Dimensional analysis, Cosmic rays,
Coulomb's law with Java applets |
Lunch break
Visit ???
Atlas calorimeter and magnet |
preParty at the cafiteria
Final presentation of
WGs |
Bubble Chambers
Karl Sarnow, Alain Pean, Marinela Bitu, Scott Goelzer |
Feymans diagrams
Peter Dunne |
Small Experiments Ivo Hamers,
Charlotta Barck, Sasha Schmeling |
Technology Transfer +
Brochures Jose Vazques, Jouni Bjorkman, Sandra Pierson,
Marinela Bitu, Bela Palasthy |
Web Rostislav Halas, Bela Palasthy,
Vladimir Grejtak, Denis Leroutier, Kevin McClean, Rostislav Halas
jr. |
final comments
Lunch break
HST2002 conclusions and suggestions
Farewell party