1. When has the theory about Higgs boson appeared ?
2. Why is this theory so important/interesting
? Shortly after
the birth of the Universe in the Big Bang, as the universe expanded the
temperature fell below a critical value where a new type of field developed
everywhere in the Universe (field, cmp. magnetic field around a magnet. Every
point in space has a property: a measurable magnetic force and direction). We
call this particular field the Higgs field. Some particles coupled to this field
and the property they acquired is what we measure as mass. That is, particles
are not solid in themselves but can be seen as a wave on a water surface.
Although a wave moves no water from one side of a lake to another, it carries a
lot of information: energy, momentum, amplitude, wavelength, etc. For particles
mass is just another property acquired by interacting with the ever pervading
Higgs field and that property we perceive as mass. Thus as the field developed
below the critical temperature some particles acquired mass and some others not.
The fact that the mass is "given" to the particles through an external
mechanism solved the problems in the theory. You may find it strange that this
field suddenly appeared in the Universe but there are several similar physics
phenomena around us. A ferromagnet heated to a temperature higher than the
"Curie temperature" will lose its magnetization. However, as it is
cooled, it will again develop a magnetic field with a specific direction. We
call this type of phenomena "spontaneous symmetry breaking". As you
might know, interactions between particles is mediated by special types of
particles. For instance, the electromagnetic field is carried by the photon. In
the same way the Higgs field has its mediator, the Higgs boson. 3. Have we already seen the Higgs boson ?
4. Whatís the mass of the Higgs boson ?
5. Why a particle should have a mass and what is the mechanism that assigns a mass ? This
is an interesting question for several reasons: first of all there are some
particles whose mass is 0. So we want to understand why some particles have mass
and others don't. The Higgs boson role in physics is to give a mass to
elementary particles. That particles have a mass, is a well known experimental
fact. In trying to understand all of these issues, we invented the so-called
Higgs mechanism. This mechanism introduces a new particle: the Higgs boson,
where "boson" indicates that the intrinsic spin of the particle is an
integer; in fact, the spin turns out to be precisely 0, so that often the Higgs
is also called the Higgs "scalar", instead of boson. This particle
interacts with all particles which are required to have a mass. The interaction
is exactly such that the particles start behaving as if they had a mass. You can
think of this Higgs as a substance permeating the Universe (we would call this a
"field"). When a particle moves through the Higgs field, it interacts
with it. This interaction causes a sort of delay in the motion of the particle,
as if it were moving through a viscous medium. It is not exactly friction, since
friction would bring the particle to a halt, while here the particle does not
loose energy. But the Higgs introduces some inertia, namely resistance to the
motion. So although the particle itself is massless, interaction with the Higgs
field makes it behave as if it had mass (this is, by the way, how the problem
with the W bosons mentioned earlier gets solved).
How can we detect the Higgs boson ? We
cannot really detect directly the presence of this underlying Higgs field, since
it is uniformly distributed throughout the Universe. We can claim that it is
there because we see that particles have masses. But we want a more direct proof
to confirm the theory. We want to "see and touch" the Higgs. This
could be achieved by concentrating enough energy in a point of space. This
energy would disturb the continuous Higgs field, and would generate waves (it is
a bit like throwing a stone in a lake, to turn the flat surface into a sequence
of waves). These waves can then be detected, and the existence of the Higgs
field proved. These waves are associated to the Higgs particle. Since the Higgs
particle interacts with its underlying field, the Higgs itself has a mass. To
produce a Higgs particle, the amount of energy we need to concentrate is at
least equal to the Higgs mass. This number is large, and that's why we still
have not seen it.
7. How is Higgs boson likely to manifest itself within a
particle collision? It will not live very long and decay into energy (photons) and other particles, the total energy of which must of course add up to that of the Higgs. What we will observe is a set of particles coming out of the point where the Higgs decays, and the pattern will be distinctive. Such a distinctive decay pattern is sometimes referred to as the "signature" of the particle. The width of the Higgs particle should be of the order of GeVís so its lifetime should be of the order of 10-22 s.
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