If we divide the momentum-energy 4-vector by the
rationalized Planck constant (or Dirac constant)
, we get the wave 4-Vector:
is the wave vector associated with
the wave number
. It is related to the momentum
, by
. The energy can be expressed as
, where
The Lorentz transformation allows us to derive the wave frequency an observer sees according to the wave frequency emitted in the source frame.
From the matrices product, we get:
The last one is the most important of them, representing the Doppler effect, i.e., a change in the observer frequency of a wave as a result of relative motion between the source and the observer.
can be written as
, so
; Because
, we obtain:
If one consider the case in which the direction of the propagation of wave and the relative velocity of the S and S’ frame do coincide, we obtain longitudinal Doppler effect.
If the source travels strait away from the observer,
If the source travels toward the
, so
If an observer moving relative to the source’s frame S, looks perpendicularly at the wave source which emits at the frequency n, he will measure a modified frequency.
, so