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Particle Physics
Visiting CERN

Some Experiments to look at.

It is very difficult to do any experiments in the School which are in the sense of CERN 'Particle Physics'. However there are number of standard experiments that you can do that are relevant, most of which are described in Physics textbooks. We have drawn up a list of the ones we think are important.

It is also possible to do some excellent experiments cheaply using a minimum of apparatus, and there may be some experiments that are done in a different way. So we have a section on new ideas.

One way of getting to grips with Particle Physics is to use one of the excellent simulations that can found on line. It is also possible to down load 'real data' from the detectors, which laboratories like CERN make available.

Contact: Hanley@southbridge.demon.co.uk Last modified: 30.8.99
© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN.