High School Teachers
at CERNWWW.CERN.CH Unique discovery at CERN.
To prove that the HST 2000 project is worthwhile and that these teachers
have actually been very attentive we announce this major news:The Higgs-boson has been seen, and photographed!
We have to admit that this picture has been taken during a "misty" moment, but we have better pictures too.
The honourable teacher, Mister P.(h)D., very clever and always paying
attention to the physical world we live in (as every physics teacher
should), saw this scene:
As you can see, it indeed is a heavy particle. It is also slighly hidden behind the tree,
and we found out why it was not discovered before:
Most of the time, some evil mind puts, early in the morning this screen in front of it.
Of course, this might explain why the most sophisticated detectors couldn't find it.
May we draw your attention to a very small part of the object, peeping up at the upper side of the screen?
This observation, made with an energy of 103.7GeV, already indicated that something really was
going on behind that screen, IF you look carefully, of course.
Now, we provide our public the evidence that this indeed is what we were looking for.
Using a good scaling factor, it is very obvious, as seen on the picture, that the mass of this particle indeed is 120,5GeV.
Of course, further investigations are needed, and we invate our colleagues friendly to do so, but this paper clearly indicates the direction in which experiments would have to be built in the future.
© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN. | Last modified: 28 June 2002 |