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High School
Teachers at CERN |
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Short info about participants of HST01CERN peopleName: Michelangelo Mangano Country: born in Italy, currently resident in France and working in Switzerland Home town: Born in Milan, grew up in Verona, studied in Pisa, resident in Crozet (F) Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I am a theoretical physicist, member of the Theory Division of CERN. My duties just involve research, in the area of High Energy Physics. I am however interested in Science Education, both at the level of secondary schools, and at the university and doctoral level. At CERN, in addition to being in charge of the HST programme, I am the Chairman of the Academic Training committee, responsible for the organization of scientific training of our staff (students, young researchers, and more senior staff) Personal or school web page: http://home.cern.ch/mlm E-mail: michelangelo.mangano@cern.ch
Name:Mick Storr Country:UK (England) Home town:Leeds Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Personal or school web page: E-mail: mick.storr@cern.ch
HST'01 participantsName: Eliana Jimenez Alvaro Home town: Quito Country: Ecuador Where and what do you teach: I teach Physics and Mathematics
on Sencondary (Educative Unit INEPE), my students have age to 15 from 20 years old, some
of them did´t study for two year because they need to work. Our Educative Unit belong to INEPE which is an
NGO. E-mail: inepe@ecuanex.net.ec
Name: Dieter Bartneck Country: Federal Republic of Germany Home town: Dresden, Capital of Saxony Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): - vocational school with Gymnasium - the students are all about 18 years old - my subjects are physics, computer science and math Personal or school web page: school - http://www.shuttle.schule.de/dd/agrar E-mail: dieter.bartneck@sz-online.de
Name: Francisco
Barradas – Solas Country: Spain Home town: Madrid Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I. E. S. "La Arboleda" (which is an State High School in Alcorcón, near Madrid) This year, I have taught Mechanics to 18 - year students, Physics and Chemistry to 15 -years, and Integrated Science to a small group of students older than 16 years. Personal or school web page: http://palmera.pntic.mec.es/~fbarrada That is the address of my personal web page, where you can read (only in Spanish, I´m afraid) about "Hole Optics", which is my attempt at teaching geometrical optics (and its limits: diffraction,...) using only holes as optical systems. (This would be, of course, only an introduction to a fuller treatment). E-mail: fbarrada@palmera.pntic.mec.es
Name: Jaime A.d.S. Cardoso Country: Portugal Home town: Porto (2nd town in Portugal, this year's cultural capital of Europe alongside Rotterdam) Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): In Porto secondary school António Nobre, I have been alternately teaching Physics and Chemistry to pupils from the 10th till the 12th year of scholarity, being this the year preceding access to University. Personal or school web page: E-mail: jaime_a_d_s_cardoso@hotmail.com
Name: Peter Freilinger Country: Germany Home town: Mainz Where and what do you teach: I teach Physics and Mathematics at a public high school ( Gutenberg - Gymnasium ) The age of the students is from 10 to 19 years. Personal or school web page: http://gutenberg-gymnasium-mz.de e- mail: peter.freilinger@t-online.de Name: Esperanza García-Carpìntero Home town: Zaragoza Country: Spain Where and what do you teach ( type of your school, age of your students ,subjects): Private Secondary School. I teach physics and chemistry to ages 16-17 and german as a third language . E-mail:
Name: Harri Hakulinen Country: Finland Home town: Joensuu, Eastern part of Finland called North-Carelia Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I teach physics and chemistry in practise school which means that we have pupils age 13 - 19 and also university students who will become teachers and who spent partly one year in our school. Our school belong to the University of Joensuu and in the Education department. Personal or school web page: http://jnor.joensuu.fi/ E-mail: harri.hakulinen@jnor.joensuu.fi
Name: Rostislav Halas Country: The Czech Republic Home town: Prostejov Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Gymnazium Jiriho Wolkera, Prostejov . There are two educational programmes at my school, the 8-year programme and the 4-year one. To the 8-year programme students have access from the age of 11 and they finish their studies at the age of 19. The 4-year programme is for students from 15 to 19. I teach Mathematics and Physics and sometimes Computer Studies. Special seminars (discussion classes) are one half of my teaching duties. They are facultative and are oriented to relations between Mathematics and Physics. Teaching is supported with computers and students are made familiar with new pieces of knowledge in science.The most of my students are very interested in science, especially in Physics. They are hard-working, interrogative and efficient. Personal or school web page: School: http://www.edunet.cz/skoly/gjw/ Personal: http://www.mujweb.cz/www/R.Halas/ E-mail: R.Halas@gjw.prostejov.cz
Name: Alison Holmes Country: UK Home town: Pontefract. England Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I have just finished teacher training at Sheffield University and will be starting work at Thirsk School in September teaching pupils from 11-18. E-mail: alisonholmes15@hotmail.com
Name: Jitka Houfkova Country: Czech Republic Home town: Prague, the capital of Czech Republic Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I teach physics at a high school - Gymnazium B. Bolzana (it is a small private school for students in grades 10 through 13, ages 15 to 19, this year I teach 12th and 13th grade). I teach informatics and I run children's school club Creation of WWW pages at an elementary school - Zakladni skola Cerveny Vrch (it is a big public school for children in grades 1 through 9, ages 6 to 15. I lead a seminar from computer science at the Faculty of mathematics and Physics at Charles University, Prague where I do my PhD studies of physics education. My thesis topic is "The hypertext and multimedia support of physics education". Personal or school web page: http://fyzweb.mff.cuni.cz E-mail: jitka.houfkova@mff.cuni.cz,
jitka.houfkova@cern.ch Name: Julian Hoult Country: UK Home town: Oakham, Rutland Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Oakham School, private boarding school for boys and girls (50%:50%) I teach physics to ages 13-18 and general science to 10-13 year olds Personal or school web page: http://www.oakham.org.uk E-mail: mailto:jdh@oakham.rutland.sch.uk
Name: Leszek Jablonski Country: Poland Home town: Katowice Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): General Secondary School, 15-19, physics, computer science (computer graphics) Personal or school web page: school: www.kat.ids.edu.pl/~lo6kato E-mail: personal: leszek.jablonski@poczta.fm, school: lo6kato@kat.ids.edu.pl
Name:Dr. Beata Jarosievitz Country:Hungary Home town:Budapest Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects):Computing from age 6 to 18 and Physics from the age of 14 to 18 SchoolsAdy Endre Youth Hostel Budapest andInternatinal SEK school Budapest private school Personal or school web page: www.ady-kozgazd.sulinet.hu and www.sek.hu E-mail: bjaro@goliat.eik.bme.hu
Name: Per Jerstad Country: Norway Home town: Lillesand, small town near Kristiansand at the very southern part of Norway Teaching duties: Upper Secondary School), ages 16-19, matemathics and physics for ages 17-19 Department web page: http://www. moglestu.vgs.no/real/ E-mail: perjer@online.no
Name: Al Kaufman Country: USA Hometown: Technically, I live in Revere, a town just north of
Boston, Massachusetts, but like most people in the area, I consider myself a Bostonian,
especially since that's where I was born. School: I teach
at Malden Catholic High School, a private, college-preparatory Catholic high school in
Malden, Massachusetts (also just north of Boston.) Students
are boys in grades 9-12, and range in age from 14-18.
I teach both a first and second year course in physics, and occasionally astronomy
and chemistry as well. School web page: http://www.maldencatholic.org E-mail: kaufmana@maldencatholic.org Name: Ivan Lomachenkov Country: Russia Home town: Dubna Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I teach physics at a specialized school - Liceum "Dubna", ages 16 to 18. I lead a preparatory courses at the University Centre of Joint Institute for Nuclear Researsh. I'm supervisor of the physical projects at the International School of Young Investigators "Dialogue". Personal or school web page: http://cv.jinr.ru/`licdub E-mail: lomach@nf.jinr.ru
Name: Kevin McClean Country: Ireland Hometown: Enniscorthy, County Wexford. 120 kilometres from Dublin in the South-East of Ireland. Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your students, subjects): I am currently on secondment to the Physics Support Service, which provides in-service support to teachers of physics in second level schools (high schools) around Ireland. This programme involves school visits, organisation of cluster meetings, preparing resources and providing email and telephone support. This national programme is organised by Limerick Education Centre as part of the Physical Sciences Initiative. Particle Physics, STS (science, technology and society) and the introduction of data logging are some major aspects of the new physics syllabus, which will be examined for the first time in 2002. In 1993, I completed a Master's Degree in Applied Physics at University College Dublin. Following this I joined the Institute of Physics and became a Chartered Physicist. I have been teaching physics in a boys second level school, St Mary's CBS in Enniscorthy, County Wexford up to last year. This school has approximately 500 students ranging in age from 12 to 18 years. Science is taught as a combined subject of physics, chemistry and biology for the first three years in secondary school. The option of a Transition Year is available to students who may wish to opt for a year, which is less academic in nature with the emphasis more on group work, project work and work experience. Students may then opt for physics as part of their Leaving Certificate, which is the terminal examination in Irish second level schools. Personal or school web page: E-mail: kmcclean@eircom.net
and kevin.mcclean@physics.org Name:Leonor de Miguel Country: Spain Home town: Zaragoza Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your students, subjects):Secondary School "IES Angel Sanz Briz" Zaragoza (Spain) It´s a state school for children since 12 to 18 ages. I teach physics and chemistry (15 to 18 ages) and astronomy (14 ages) Personal or school web page: www.educa.aragob.es/iesasbca E-mail:
iesasbcasetas@educa.aragob.es Name: Horatio Nicastro Country: USA Home town: Fitchburg, Massachusetts Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your students,
subjects): Wachusett Regional High School, grades
9-12, various levels of physics and engineering physics. Personal or school web page: www.wrsd.net E-mail: nick_nicastro@wrsd.net Name:Willen Peeters Country: Belgium Home town:Vremde, part of Boechout, 10 km from Antwerp Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects):I teach only physics, to science students of 16/17 years old. Preparing them directly for science studies on higher level (university); I am ICT cöordinator of my school (1200 students), which means that I try to persuade my colleagues to use all kinds of modern, interactive tools (CD, internet,...); last year I have given some courses on the use of Internet in physics teaching to other physics teachers at the university of Antwerp, and I collaborate to a program of informing my colleagues about "Quarks and Big Bang". Personal or school web page: www.st-gabriel.be and home.tiscalinet.net/wereld_is_mooi/extrafys.htm E-mail: w.peeters@pandora.be
(cable, so send me all you want!) Name: Wolfgang Pils Country: Switzerland Home town: Embrach (near Zürich) Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): gymnasium: 9th to 12th year. Physics Personal or school web page: www.imlee.ch E-mail: wolfgang.pils@bluewin.ch
Name: Zhelyazka Dimitrova Raykova-Bozova Country: Bulgaria Home town: Assenovgrad,small town, near by Plovdiv, the secind town in Bulgaria Where and what do you teach: I am assistant in didactic of physics at Plovdiv University. In the University I prerare the students for physics teacher. I carry out the seminar and the practical lessons with students. Personal or school web page: http://www.uni-plovdiv.bg E-mail:
Name: Giovanni Romano Country: Italy Home town: Rome Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I teach mathematics and physics in a high school "Liceo di Ariccia"; Ariccia is a small town near Rome. The students are from 14 to 19 years old. They all study mathematics but only the student of the last two years study physics.My school has two sections: foreign languages or social-pedagogical. Often the students which choose this type of school don't love mathematics very much. So, a large part of my energy is dedicated to win these reistances. Personal or school web page: http://digilander.iol.it/liceodiariccia/ E-mail: roman.giovanni@tiscalinet.it Name: Karl Sarnow Country: Germany Home town: Hannover Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Gymnasium (public high school). Age of students from 14 years to 21 years. Personal or school web page: Personal see signature. School: http://gym-isernhagen.h.ni.schule.de E-mail: karl@dadoka.h.ni.schule.de
Name: Mothofela Selepe Country: South Africa Home Town: Pretoria Spoken Languages: English Where and what do you teach: I teach in a secondary high school in Pretoria, offering physics and chemistry to learners of ages ranging from13yrs to 19yrs. Name: Gary Shetler Country: United States of America Home town: Plymouth, MA Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your students,
subjects): Silver Lake Regional High School, Kingston, MA. Silver Lake Regional High
School is a comprehensive high school serving four towns. The school presently has about
two thousand students and is in the planning stages of splitting into two school systems.
Silver Lake offers Physics courses to eleventh and twelfth year students on levels of
advanced placement to conceptual studies. We offer directed studies to the twelfth year
student that has mastered the school course load and has presented a year long project
proposal that merits study. Each year a teacher's assignment may change depending on the
school need. This past year my assignment was level one Physics and level two Conceptual
Physics. Personal or school web page: E-mail: gshet@juno.com (used for school
and educational communication) Name: Maria Tsakiri Country: Greece Home town: Thessaloniki (capital of Macedonia, Northern Greece) Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): During the last 13 years I've been teaching in Secondary Public Education School (either Gymnasium or Lyceum, subject that changes from time to time). Pupils ages range between 12-14 for Gymnasium and 15-17 for Lyceum. I mainly teach General Physics (occasionally Chemistry, Biology and Geology) During the current academic year I was away from school, following a two semester long seminar for high school teachers of physics, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Personal or school web page: E-mail: mtsakiri@auth.gr Name:Sieglinde Übermasser Country: Austria Home town:Weikendorf Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects):Technical High School, ages 15 to 19, subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Maths Personal or school web page: http://www.rt-it.htl-donaustadt.at E-mail: linda.uebermasser@aon.at
Name: Seija Valtonen Country: Finland Home town: Helsinki Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Teacher training school for grades 7 through 12, ages 13 to 18, physics and chemistry School web page: http://www.norssi.helsinki.fi/fyskem/ E-mail: seija.valtonen@helsinki.fi
Name: Ton Versteegh Country: The Netherlands Home town: Ede Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects):'high school pupils up to Gymnasium from 13 up to 17 years old Personal or school web page:?? E-mail: verste@wolmail.nl
Name: Miguel Vieira Country: Portugal Home town: Esmoriz - Aveiro Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): High School; Students age: from 11 to 18 years old; Physics and Quemistry Personal or school web page: E-mail: MiguelGSV@clix.pt
Name: Dora Wagner Country: Germany Home town: Bochum and Frankfurt Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Physics everywhere : - at university I "teach how to teach" to students from 20 to 30 years old - in school (Gymnasium) I teach students 16 to 19 years Personal or school web page: http://www.physik.uni-dortmund.de/didaktik/, http://www.carl-humann.de/ E-mail: dora.wagner@udo.edu
Name: Francisca Wheeler Country: Portuguese but resident and working in Britain Home town: Manchester Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I teach Physics in a girls school. The students are from 11 to 18 years of age. From September 2001, I will be teaching Physics to boys and girls from the age of 13 to 18, in a Benedictine boarding school in York. Personal or school web page: www.ampleforthcollege.york.sch.uk E-mail: mfsw@ampleforth.org.uk |
© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN. | Last modified: 30 May 2012 |