To start FrontPage: click on Start -> Programs -> Microsoft FrontPage
Now you have open new page and you can start your work.
We are going to make "Welcome to HST 2001" page. So, let's start!
you can see an example, page I have quickly made to show you what all are we
going to learn.)
Type "Welcome to HST 2001" to the top your page.
It is going to be the title so mark it by left mouse and click on small
black arrow next to word "Normal" (at he left side of
the upper menu) and choose "Heading 1".
You can center the text if you mark it by left mouse and click on the
"Center" icon
at the upper menu.
Type the text:
"Hello everybody! It is my first page at FrontPage and it will
be about High School Teachers Program 2001 at CERN."
You can change the
color of writing if you mark it by left mouse
and then click on small black arrow next to "A"
icon at the upper menu. Choose the color you like.
You can make the letters bold, italic or underline if
you mark them by left mouse and then click on icons "B","I"
or "U".
Now we are going to add link to your page.
Mark the words "High School Teachers Program" by left mouse and then
click on "Link" icon .
To the line named URL type "" (without
"") and click OK.
Congratulations! You have just added first link to you page!
So do the same and add the link to "" to the word
Now it is time to save and view your page.
Click on the "Save" icon
and then choose place for your file and type its name. Then click Save.
You can preview your page by clicking on button "Preview" at
lower side of your screen.
Better is to view your page at Internet browser. So open Internet
Explorer, click File -> Open -> Browse, then find the file with your page
and click Open -> OK.
Let's make the page more interesting and add some pictures to it.
Click on picture icon
and find the picture you want to add. You can also add some clip art by clicking
on button Clip Art at the bottom of picture adding menu.
Save your page again and have a look at it.
You can also save pictures from the Internet and add them to your page.
Choose the picture, click on it with right mouse and choose the option
"Save Picture As", then type the name of the picture and choose its
location at your folders.
Save some pictures from CERN to your folder and add them to your page.
It is time to create your second page.
Save your first page!
Click on the new icon .
New empty page appears.
Write some more information about HST'01, about yourself as its participant and
some more pictures from CERN.
Put the link to your first page there.
Save your new page.
Go back to your first page and add the link to your second page there.
Add the list of your colleagues working on their firs pages now. Put the names
to the table.
To insert table to your page first click to the place you want to have it, then
to the "Table" icon
and then choos how many columns and rows should the table have.
Fill the table cells with the name and e-mails of your colleagues working on
their first pages now.
Add e-mail links to your page.
Mark the name of your colleague by left mouse and click the "Link"
icon . Then click the
"E-mail" icon ,
type the e-mail address and click OK and then again OK.
Try to send an e-mail to some of your colleague.
Don't forget to save your work regulary!
That's all for today. For help, more details and more
advanced thinks don't hesitate to ask Jitka