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High School
Teachers at CERN |
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Short info about participants of HST02CERN peopleName: Michelangelo Mangano Country: born in Italy, currently resident in France and working in Switzerland Home town: Born in Milan, grew up in Verona, studied in Pisa, resident in Crozet (F) Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I am a theoretical physicist, member of the Theory Division of CERN. My duties just involve research, in the area of High Energy Physics. I am however interested in Science Education, both at the level of secondary schools, and at the university and doctoral level. At CERN, in addition to being in charge of the HST programme, I am the Chairman of the Academic Training committee, responsible for the organization of scientific training of our staff (students, young researchers, and more senior staff) Personal or school web page: http://home.cern.ch/mlm E-mail: michelangelo.mangano@cern.ch
Name:Mick Storr Country:UK (England) Home town:Leeds Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Personal or school web page: E-mail: mick.storr@cern.ch
HST'02 participants
Name: Massoud
Assadi Country: USA Home town: Bloomfield Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I teach 3 coureses of physics in context(15-16 years of age), and 2 courses in physics(17 years old),also part time college physics I (20-& up) Detroit public schools., Oackland community college.Personal or school web page: School: E-mail: massadies@hotmail.com
Name: Carlotta
Barck Country: Sweden Home town: Sodertalje
School: http://www.ragnhild.com E-mail: charlotta.barck@ragnhild.com Name: Marinela
Bitu Country: Rumania Home town: Alba Iulia Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): The Military High School "Mihai Viteazul" has a scientific profile (maths, informatics, physics). The students are interested in investigating some theoretical and experimental specific fields in physics, they are motivated to participate in research activities and different national contests, where some of them were awarded with valuable prizes. The technical aids and school supply offer excellent chances for the students to improve their knowledge in respect with their textbooks, process experimental data and elaborate scientific reports. Personal or school web page: School: www.milhighro.fws1.com E-mail: marybitu@yahoo.com
Country: Finland
Home town: Seinäjoki
Where and what you teach:
I am lecturer in physics at Seinäjoki upper
secondary school (high school). I teach only physics. My high school
is the biggest one in Finland with its about 1000 students. The age
range of the students is from 16 up to 20 years old. Normal studying
time is 3 years, but it may vary between 2 - 4 years. We have a new
school building with modern premises and equipment for teaching
Mathematics and Scientific disciplines.
Web page: http://www.koulu.sjk.fi/lukio/index.htm
Email: Jouni.Bjorkman@kolumbus.fi
Name: Bo
Bülow Country: Sweden Home town: Staffanstorp Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your:
students, subjects): I
work at S:t Petri skola, where we have three diffrent programmes, Social
Science (3-year) and Natural Sciences (3- and 4-year). Both Natural
Science programmes have the same curriculum. The 4-years programme have
many athletes and some other students, who have problems to manage the
curriculum in three years. 16 years. Personal or school web page: School: www.malmo.se/petri E-mail: bo.bulow@malmo.se
Country: Poland
Home town: Zyrardow
Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your students,
subjects): Liceum im. Stefana Zeromskiego,
Zyrardow. Because of the reform of the educational system in
Poland taking place now, the profile of my school is constantly
changing. Now we have the remaining three levels of an old-type four-level
general education high school but next school year we are going
to have the first level of a new-type three-level general
education high school and the remaining two levels of the old-type
high school. Our students are 16-19 years old. There are four
different profiles of education in our school - general,
mathematical-physical, biological-chemical and classical. Next
school year, when we begin the reform, we will also have the
following profiles: mathematical with extended computer studies (especially
computer graphics), mathematical with extended computer studies (especially
computer programming), scientific-medical, journalistic (with
extended Polish language and history) and psychological-social. Our
school organises seminars on various subjects, for instance last
year my students prepared a seminar on extraterrestrial life. Every
year our students take part in all kinds of Olympiads and
competitions, some with considerable success. Our school has two
computer rooms and free access to the Internet so the students are
used to using computers and the web. Most of our students
continue their education at universities of all kinds. I teach
physics and English.
School web page: www.lo.zyrardow.ids.pl
Name: Peter Dunne Country: UK Home town: Preston Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your students, subjects):I teach at Preston College, a large Further Education college in the north of England. The college caters for students aged 16 years and over and offers a very wide range of vocational and academic subjects. I am currently teaching Advanced Level Physics and Physics for Forensic Scientists but I sometimes teach electronics, mathematics and other subjects. Because the college is large and has to provide courses at university level we have reasonably well resourced laboratories with good access to computers. We teach the new Advancing Physics course that is supported by dedicated textbooks and CD roms. I run a range of extra-curricular activities and have developed a cosmic ray laboratory over the last few years. This involves a group of about 8 students who learn about particle detector physics and build cosmic ray detectors. The college web page is at www.preston.ac.uk The cosmic ray website is at www.preston.ac.uk/cosmic My e-mail address is pdunne@preston.ac.uk
Name: Teresa Paiva Filipe
Country: Portugal Home town: Vila Franca de Xira (a little town near Lisbon) Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Escola Secundária do Professor Reynaldo dos Santos (Teacher Reynaldo dos Santos Secondary School) at Vila Franca de Xira. My school is for students from 15 to 18 yaers old, the last 3 years before go to University. We have Art, Humanities and Science students. I teach Chemistry and Physics to Science students. Sometimes I use computers and sensors in class, but not as often as I'd like to. We have a little Science Club at School, where a few students do some experimental work, as extra-curricular work. I also use to go to some basic schools, where I do experimental work in Physics and Chemistry with children, from 6 to 10 years old, and I confess I love to work with them - my own students are not so curious about Science. Unfortunately I can't say my students are good in Physics because almost all have not a very good experience at basic school: they learn only few concepts and experimental work is very uncommon! Personal or school web page: School: http://www.esec-prof-reynaldo-santos.rcts.pt/
(there´s a link (Hannover - http://www.atelier.hannover2000.mct.pt/~pr076/)
to a web page made for some students of mine 2 years ago, about
CERN: it has an English version!)
Name: Scott
Goelzer Country: USA Home town: Durham Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects):I teach high school physics at Coe- Brown Northwood Academy in Northwood New Hampshire USA. I teach 5 sections of physics to juniors and seniors. At our school we have three levels of physics: honors, college prep. and tech.
School: www.coebrownacademy.com E-mail: sgoelzer@coebrownacademy.com
Name: Anne
Gregory Country: USA Home town: Natucket Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): We have one high school serving all the families on the island. About half of the students take physics or astronomy. We do mlots of hands-on experiments, many in the corridors, stairwells, or outside. We use the local observatory, build models, do demonstratin projects. Physics classes are the better students, usually taking claculus at the same time, astronomy classes include students at all levels.
E-mail: gregorya@nps.k12.ma.us Name: Vladimir Grejtak Country: Slovakia Home town: Presov Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students,subjects): I'm post graduate student at the faculty of natural sciences at the Pavol Jozef Safarik University at Kosice town (Slovakia). I study at the department of didactics of physics ( or I should say department of Physics Teaching) and teach physics at the secondary grammar school with alternating study programme. My students are at the age from 15 to 19. I'm interested in using computer and new technologies at the physics lessons (to prove their benefits etc.). Personal or school web page: School: http://physedu.science.upjs.sk Personal: http://go.to/greatY E-mail: grejtak@gmx.net Name: Rostislav Halas Country: The Czech Republic Home town: Prostejov Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Gymnazium Jiriho Wolkera, Prostejov . There are two educational programmes at my school, the 8-year programme and the 4-year one. To the 8-year programme students have access from the age of 11 and they finish their studies at the age of 19. The 4-year programme is for students from 15 to 19. I teach Mathematics and Physics and sometimes Computer Studies. Special seminars (discussion classes) are one half of my teaching duties. They are facultative and are oriented to relations between Mathematics and Physics. Teaching is supported with computers and students are made familiar with new pieces of knowledge in science.The most of my students are very interested in science, especially in Physics. They are hard-working, interrogative and efficient. Personal or school web page: School: http://www.edunet.cz/skoly/gjw/ Personal: http://www.mujweb.cz/www/R.Halas/ E-mail: R.Halas@gjw.prostejov.cz
Country: The Netherlands
Home town: Brunssum
Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your:
students, subjects): Sintermeertencollege Heerlen (MAVO/HAVO/LYCEUM).
I think the LYCEUM is like a Gymnasium in other countries. Students
have acces from the age of 12 and finish at the age of 18.
This means 6 years of school. The HAVO is only 5 years, so they
finish at the age of 17. MAVO is just 4 years (finish at 16). I
teach Physics at the LYCEUM and HAVO. We have a lot of computers at
our school (about 150 for 1360 students) and I am lucky to have the
disposel of a computer and beamer in my own classroom so I can use
the internet (CERN-sites, applets,...) and various Physics-software
(Crocodile Physics, IP coach, Pasco,...) during my lessons.
We don't have science in the Netherlands. Biology, Chemistry and
Physics are "strictly" seperated and teached by different
teachers. In Holland we have a national exam which takes place in
School: www.sintermeerten.nl
Name: Petr Jílek Country: Czech Republic Home town: Chrudim I have been
teaching mathematics and physics at the Secondary Technical
Engineering School in Chrudim since 1971. I have been headmaster of
this school since 1990. Contacts: E-mail: jilek@spss-cr.cz
Name: Peter Kjepso Country: Norway Home town: Bergen I teach at Askoy Vidergaende Skule, which is a combined
highschool with approx. 350 pupils. Contacts: E-mail: kjepso@gmail.com
Name: Matthias Krug Country: Germany Home town: Wildau (near Berlin) Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your students, subjects): Comprehensive school with highschool part "Paul Dessau" in Zeuthen. Our students are in the age from 12 to about 20. I'm teaching physics in the upper classes. Personal or school web page: School: http://www.paul-dessau-schule.de E-mail: matthias.krug@sapo.pt Name: Boguslaw Lanuszny Country: Poland Home town: Katowice Where and what do I teach: I teach in the high school in Katowice. I am 41 years old. There are in the school about 500 students in the age from 15 to 19. Our school is famous for teaching Mathematics and Physics. I teach Physics and Computers. I use computers to solve different physical problems and make simulations of physical phenomena. We have a lot of computers programs and video cassettes with films on Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Techniques. Every two years I organize â??Physics Daysâ?? to deepen and disseminate physical knowledge among our students. Usually we invite teachers and students from other schools. The university professors and other scientists deliver lectures and students make the experiments. The students are very interested in physical knowledge and take part in various competitions. School: www.8lo-katowice.oswiata.org.pl E-mail: blanuszny@poczta.onet.pl
Name: Denis
Leroutier Country: France Home town: LeHavre
School: www.ac-rouen.fr/lycees/siegfried/une-bis.html E-mail: denis.leroutier@wanadoo.fr
Name: Ivan Lomachenkov Country: Russia Home town: Dubna Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I teach physics at a specialized school - Liceum "Dubna", ages 16 to 18. I lead a preparatory courses at the University Centre of Joint Institute for Nuclear Researsh. I'm supervisor of the physical projects at the International School of Young Investigators "Dialogue". Personal or school web page: http://cv.jinr.ru/`licdub E-mail: lomach@nf.jinr.ru
Name: Marina Maran Country: Italy Home town: Grottaferrata (Rome) Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I teach Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at "Liceo Classico Statale James Joyce", Ariccia (Rome). It is attended by students between 14 and 19 years (5-year programme) who are generally more interested in literature and foreign languages, so I'm always in search of new ideas to arouse their attention and connections between Science and the Humanities. Personal or school web page: School: http://digilander.iol.it/liceodiariccia/home_page.htm Personal: marinamaran@inwind.it Country: Ireland Hometown: Enniscorthy, County Wexford. 120 kilometres from Dublin in the South-East of Ireland. Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your students, subjects): I am currently on secondment to the Physics Support Service, which provides in-service support to teachers of physics in second level schools (high schools) around Ireland. This programme involves school visits, organisation of cluster meetings, preparation of resources and providing email and telephone support to teachers. This national programme is organised by Limerick Education Centre as part of the Physical Sciences Initiative. Particle Physics, STS (science, technology and society) and Data Logging are some major aspects of the new physics syllabus. I was teaching physics in a boys second level school, St Mary's CBS in Enniscorthy, County Wexford before my present position. This school has approximately 500 students ranging in age from 12 to 18 years. Science is taught as a combined subject of physics, chemistry and biology for the first three years in secondary school. The option of a Transition Year is available to students who may wish to opt for a year, which is less academic in nature with the emphasis more on group work, project work and work experience. Students may then opt for physics as part of their Leaving Certificate, which is the terminal examination in Irish second level schools.Personal or school web page: E-mail: kmcclean@eircom.net
and kevin.mcclean@physics.org Name: Silvia
Miozzi Country: Italia Home town: Frascati Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I teach in a high school specializing in scientific studies. My students are 16-19 years old. They start to study physics and computer science since the first year, three hours a week for five years. The school as a collabaroation whit the National Insitute of Nuclear Physics (I.N.F.N) in Frascati organizing stages for students. They frequent the laboratories for a period of 4-5 months a time a week. They became part of different groups and work on gamma spectrometry, radioactive maesurements and data analisys.
School: E-mail: ithaca@tiscalinet.it
Name: Emilia
Navarro Country: Spain Home town: Valencia
I teach at "Juan de Garay"
High School, in Valencia, on the east of Spain.
At the school there are about one
thousand students. We have three different educational programmers.
The first one is called Compulsory Secondary School, for students
from 14 to 16 years old, and the second one is called (Bachillerato
in Spain) for students from 17 to 19 years old, who want to continue
their education at the Universities, and the third one is Technical
Studies for students from 18 to 20 years old, who want to work at
the end of this studies.
I teach Theoretical Physics and Applied
Physics in the second program, and Technical Laboratory Physics in
the first program. In this year we have worked with different
subjects: such as Chemistry, Optics, Astronomy and Electronics. The
school's laboratories have good resources. We also use computers.
At the end of the year, with the
students of the Technical Laboratory, we usually make a summary and
send it for some contest.
Sometimes we have won some prizes. This
motivates the students very much.
School: E-mail: enavona@wanadoo.es Name: Bella
Palasthy Country: Hungary Home town: Miskolc Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your
students, subjects): I am Assistant Professor at the Department of
Physics at University of Miskolc. I am responsible for quality control
of physics teaching in a post-secondary so called Accredited Higher
Vocational Training. This is a practice oriented 2-year programme and
is offered by 8 different Secondary Vocational Schools in north-east
Hungary. The graduates receive a certificate as mechanical engineer
assistant, or electrical engineer assistant. I compile the physics
subject (Phsics I., Physics II.) for these students, prepare their
physics teachers and examine the students as well. I am just working
on a lecture note for these students. So this is the cause that I
connected to this programme. I would like to know more about particle
physics, may be I can apply this knowledge in my work. This is only a
part of my job. At the University I have several courses from
Mechanics to Modern Physics. Personal: http://www.uni-miskolc.hu/~www_fiz/palasthy/1.htm E-mail: fizpalb@gold.uni-miskolc.hu
Name : Alain Péan Country : France. Home town : Blois (west of France, on Loire, between Tours and Orléans) Where and what I teach : Lycée Pothier in Orléans. In fact, I'm not teaching this year, I administrate the pedagogical computer network of the high school (160 computers), plus part of the one in the neigbouring high school (lycée Benjamin Franklin). Until last year, I was teaching physics and chemistry (that's together in France) for pupils between 12 and 15 years. In Lycée Pothier, there are two educationnal programmes,too. A three year program, for pupils between 15 and 18. They are preparing their A-evel (called bacalauréat in France). We have 5 scientific divisions in "Terminale" (last year), three for litterature and languages, and three for administration and accounting (they have no scientific training). For the three years, the total is about 1300 students. The second program is, as far as I know, a french particularity. There are about 700 students (most of all scientific) in "classes prepartoires". This is a two year post-A-level program, where students are preparing entrance examination in "écoles d'ingénieur" (ingeneer schools). These elitist "colleges", as "ecole polytechnique", "ecole normale superieure", are often much more renowned than universities in France. Students are working very hard to enter in. In Lycée Benjamin Franklin, that's seemingly the same, but there are also technical sections and much fewer students in "classes préparatoires". School web page : www.lycee-pothier.com (It was created and is managed by other peoples than me in the school) e-mail : alain.pean@ac-orleans-tours.fr Name: Sandra Pierson Country: U. S. A. Home town: Hingham, Massachusetts Where and what I teach, type of school, age of students, subjects: I teach at the John D. O’Bryant School of Mathematics and Science, 55 Malcolm X Boulevard, Roxbury, MA 02120. The school is an exam school: students must take an examination to get in. The school is an inner city school in Boston catering to a diverse population of students in grades 7-12 (ages 13 to 18). I teach Biology I and Biology II. My students are eager to learn and many have advanced computer skills. They have great personalities and many are hard-working.
Name: Karl Sarnow Country: Germany Home town: Hannover Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Gymnasium Isernhagen, age of students from 12years to 20 years. We teach all subjects, my subjects are mathematics, physics and computer science. I like using computers in my subjects and so I try to use CAS and dynamic geometry programs in mathematics and data interfaces in physics. Personal or school web page: Personal: http://www.shuttle.schule.de/h/dadoka School: http://gym-isernhagen.h.ni.schule.de E-mail: karl@dadoka.h.ni.schule.de
Name: Silvina Simeonova Country : Republic of Bulgaria Home town: Shumen Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects):My school is a specialized secondary school with very rich traditions. It is now 173 years since the school has been created. There are both specialized and non-specialized classes at the school. The first ones are specialized in maths,physics,chemistry,biology and ICT. The students are taken in the respective classes by a selective entrance system,according to their age,abilities and interests. The educational programme of the non-specialized classes is for students from the age of 12 to the age of 15,but this for the specialized classes is for students from 15 to 19. I teach physics to the specialized classes.The students from these classes are interested in science, maths,ICT.They are intelegent,industrious and are well motivated to learn and develop. One of my duties as a physics teacher at my school is connectedd with the preparation of the students toparticipate in physics olypmiads and competitions. Website of the school: www.pmg.icon.bg E-mail: silvina660@gmail.com Name: Vanessa
van Engelen Country: Belgium Home town: Brecht Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): I teach mathematics and physics at a little school in a town called Schoten. We do not have much students, but it makes it easy to have a good contact with the students. In my school you can not only choose a science direction but we have a lot of different options. The buildings and infrastructure are rather new what makes it eaven more plesant to teach over there.Personal or school web page: School: E-mail: vve@pi.be
Name: José L. Vázquez
Country: Spain Home town: Zaragoza Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your: students, subjects): Instituto 'Miguel Catalán' Zaragoza. At my school, there is the obligatory secondary 4-year program (from 12 to 16), the pre-university post-obligatory 2-year program (from 16 to 18) and there is also several 2-year programs for technical and professional studies (from 18). I teach Physics and Chemistry and Computer Studies, most of the time in the pre-university courses. Although my school, as it is usual in Spain, is not specialized in science, we've got good students and very interested in science. We are actively involved in several european 'Comenius' projects, mostly in humanistic areas, and one of my aims for this summer HST program will be study possibilities to plan this kind of projects in scientific areas.
Personal or school web page: School: Still under construction Personal: E-mail: jvazquez@educa.aragob.es Name: Gerd
Vogt Country: Austria Home town: Ebersdorf Where and what do you teach (type of school, age of your students,subjects): I teach at a High School for Environment and Economy (Secondary vocational school) in Yspertal, Austria. The school is a very young school (11 years old) and located in Lower Austria, near the Wachau, north of the river Danube I am teacher in physics, measurement and control techniques, environmental techniques and computing. Our students are 14 - 19 years old. This year I added some new topics (physics 5th year): standard models (history, strings, etc.), particle physics, astrophysics, quantum physics, nuclear fusion (problems, limitations, models). I have added the new topics to our curriculum this year because last year, when I started teaching some of these subjects I noticed raised increasing interest in my classes.
School: http://www.hlaysper.ac.at E-mail: g.vogt@utanet.at
© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN. | Last modified: 08 February 2008 |