Bonfanti Christian
I Teach physic and math in high school from 2001, when also I got my
degree in physics-astrophysics. Now I work in an artistical high school
(Istituto d'arte-progetto michelangelo)in Milan: my studens have an age
that varies among the 16 - 18 years. It's very hard, but also very
beautiful, to work with this students because they choose this type
of school for not studying physic and math. This is a beautiful
challenge for me: now I'm trying to learn what is the better way to
cmmunicate the beauty of science for students that are able to paint,
with all type of art, the beauty of the world.
I'm also working in 2 groups of research about didactic in high
schools: the first is within università degli studi di milano and is about
teaching of modern physics; my specialization is in optics. The second
is whitin Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Milano) and is about
teaching of astrophysics (I'm graduated in astropysics!) in last year
of all type of high school. We are creating a laboratory (7 days-2hours
for day) in which studetnts can try to understand what is redshift, what
are galaxies, using real astronomical data, and a simplified atsronomica
reduction tool.