Stefancinova Iveta


My name is Iveta Stefancinova and I live in Presov, my hometown, in the east of Slovakia.

I teach Physics and Mathematics at a grammar school, Jan Adam Rayman Gymnasium in Presov, with about 600 students and 44 teachers. My pupils are aged 12-19.

I want to make Physics more popular and accessible to everyone. My diploma work is named Physics in fairytales. My other publications are Teaching in form of a fairytale and subjective well-being of pupils, Towards Intensification of Physics teaching by means of fairytales, Physics Instruction by fairytale with computer support. Since 2002 to 2005 I was a researcher of the grant VEGA - Folklore elements in Physics instruction. My favorite passtimes are travelling and reading. I experience different cultures. I enjoy all sports particularly.

My personal homepage doesn’t exist now, but the address of the school homepage is