HST 2006 Programme Team
Programme Committee
Mick Storr, CERN/PH (Programme Coordinator)
Rolf Landua, CERN/DSU
Sascha Schmeling, CERN/PH
Mike Seymour, CERN/PH
Angel Uranga, CERN/PH
Christel Ranta,
Daniele Lajust,
Antonio Ferrer, Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular
Mike Koratzinos ,National
Technical University of Athens
Rolf Landua, CERN/DSU
Mick Storr, CERN/DSU
Nick Tracas, National Technical University of Athens
Saverio Braccini, TERA Foundation
Helmut Burkhardt, CERN/AB
Frank Close, Oxford University (Summer Student Programme)
John Ellis, CERN/PH
Francois Grey, CERN/IT
Gron Jones,University of Birmingham
Tom Jordan, Fermi National Accelerator Lab
Rolf Landua, CERN/DSU
Michelangelo Mangano, CERN/PH
Nathalie Palanque - Delabrouille, Dapnia CEA Saclay (Summer
Student Programme)
Sascha Schmeling, CERN/PH
Jack Steinberger, Dipartimento di Fisica(PISA)
Resident Physicist
Gron Jones, University of
Scientific Support
Mike Seymour, CERN/PH
Angel Uranga, CERN/PH
Group Mentors
Karl Gill, CERN/PH
Tom Jordan, Fermi National Accelerator Lab
Mike Koratzinos, National Technical University of
Rolf Landua, CERN/DSU
Sascha Schmeling, CERN/PH
Mick Storr, CERN/DSU
Build a
Cloud Chamber Team
Joachim Flammer, CERN/IT (Coordinator)
Belen Maria Salvachua Ferrando, Instituto de Fisica
Corpuscular Valencia
Estaban Fullana, Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular
Gerolf Schlager, Technische Universitaet Wien
Silvia Schuh, CERN/PH
Site Visit
Sascha Schmeling, CERN/PH (Coordinator)
Michael Doser, CERN/PH
Guenther Geschonke, CERN/AB
Karl Gill, CERN/PH
Piotr Golonka, CERN/IT
Martin Jaekel, Atominstitut der Osterreichischen Universitaten(Wien)
Rolf Landua, CERN/DSU
Stefan Lueders, CERN/IT
Christian Scheuerlein, CERN/AT
Frank Tecker, CERN/AB
HST Lecture
Recording and Web Publishing
Jeremy Herr, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor
Sébastien Prola-Tessauer, CERN (Child
of Staff)
Summer Student Lecture Recording
and Web Publishing
CERN IT Audio Visual Services
(Team leader Jacques Hervet-Fichet)
Mick Storr, CERN/DSU (Coordinator)
Rolf Landua, CERN/DSU
Christel Ranta, CERN/DSU
Sophie Storr
Vladimir Grejtak, Center of Lifelong
Learning, University of Pavol Josef
Safarik, Kosice (Slovakia)
Participating HST Alumnus
Alexander Krafft, Staaliches Gymnasium
Pullach, Munich
Technical Support
Eric Bonnefoy, SERCO
Folke Wallberg, SERCO
The HST Programme Committee
would like to thank:
CERN HR Department for providing the use of the Training Centre
Amphitheatre and PC rooms for the duration of the programme
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, for the
loan of the technical equipment used for recording and web
publishing the HST lectures and for providing the manpower to
coordinate and support this activity
The Latin
American participants were sponsored by
the High Energy Physics LatinAmerican-European Network (HELEN)
coordinated by Prof. Luciano Maiani,
Università “La Sapienza”, Italy. Local CERN support was provided by
Veronica Riquer Ramirez, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Sezione di Roma, Angel Uranga CERN/PH and the PH Department
participants from the USA were supported by a grant from the
National Science Foundation administered by the University of
Michigan. All the participants were associated with and selected by
the FERMILAB Quarknet Programme. The HST2006 programme team
gratefully acknowledges the contribution of -
Jeremy Herr,
Jean Krisch, Homer Neal, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor
Marge Bardeen and Tom Jordan, Fermi National
Accelerator Lab
Beth Marchant, University of Notre Dame