Eric Demoncheaux
France (UK)
My name is Eric Demoncheaux and I am 34 years old. I have been living
England for 15 years (apart from one year compulsory military service
Lille). It all started on an ERASMUS (European Community) programme in
1992 and I have not looked back since.
After completing a PhD in chemistry in 1996, I have been doing research
in aspects of physiology and medical physics until 2004 at the
University of Sheffield. Having had 7 years experience of teaching in
Higher Education, I felt that I would best contribute to children's
education as a School teacher. I started a Post-Graduate Certificate
Education course to become a Secondary School teacher in Science
specialising in Chemistry and Physics last year which is finishing end
of June. My first teaching job will start at Battle Abbey School
( in September. It a
lovely school built by William the Conqueror in 1080! Since I have got
some Normand blood, it feels like going back home.
I intend to use the HST programme to deepen my understanding of relevant
issues within the CERN scientific community, issues that are at the
forefront of Science. I would also very much like to further increase
network of collaborators and friends.
My main hobby is rugby but I do like travelling and jogging (not at
same time though!).