Caroline Grandpré
My name is Caroline Grandpré and I live in BEAUVAIS, Northern
France, one hour away from PARIS and one hour from the seaside ( English
I teach Physics and Chemistry in the European classes of Félix
FAURE high school ( pupils between 15 and 18 ). Here is the site of my
European classes" means that the pupils of these classes have some
extra lessons of physics and chemistry in English, beside their usual
scientific courses in French. After passing an oral exam, they get the "baccalauréat" with
a European mention.
I am involved in teachers' training and contribute to develop new experimental
technologies in teaching physics. I publish some of my work on the national
site: ( lycée - terminale )
I am interessed in didactics, and in particular, how physics and chemistry
are taught all over Europe. For my research, I am looking for European
school books ( GCSE or A. Level - Abitur... ), in English, French or
I am happy to take part to the CERN program for HST, which seems to be
marvellous ! I am impatient to learn more about particle physics, to
meet the other participants, and perhaps to find parterns to set a European
project within school exchanges...
Otherwise, I like cycling, swimming, cooking, camping, travelling and
meeting people !