Helena Howaniec
I am Helena Howaniec and I live in Lodz, a big city in central Poland
close to Warsaw (about 100 km away).
I teach Physics and English at High School in Lodz (XXXV Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace).
I also teach Physics in English in bilingual clasess at my second High
School (IV Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace). My students are between 16 and 19
years. I have been teaching for 11 years now. Before that, I worked at
a design office in Cracow for a few years.
I am married and I have two daughters aged 19 and 16.
My favourite pastime activities are: reading, cycling and aerobics.
I am looking forward to meeting all of you. So many interesting people
in such a famous place. I am sure I will learn a lot from you and make
new friends.I am very happy to have such an opportunity. It will be a
fascinating experience.