Enrico Micheli
My name is Enrico Micheli, I am Italian, but I teach Physics and Mathematics
in the Republic of Slovenia. My School is Ginnasio Antonio Sema located
in Portorose, close to the Italian-Slovenian border. I teach in Italian
and I have just completed my third year of teaching in that school. I
graduated in the University of Trieste and my degree is in Physics with
Astrophysics, but my thesis was in History of science. I also had a master
degree in Science Communication at the ISAS (International School for
Advanced Studies) located in Trieste. My thesis was about “Great
Scientists on the Screen”, the role of scientists in feature films.
I am really interested in HST because I really would like to let my students
know more about recent developments in the frontiers of Physics. I also
want to learn more about the particles and interactions at small scale,
and how to better incorporate these associated topics into my students’ curriculum.
When not teaching, I enjoy traveling, and I am a REAL FAN of Cinema and
everything that is related with moving image.