Diana Weber



Hello, my name is Diana Weber and I live in Selzen. It is a beautiful place in Rheinhessen with ca. 1650 inhabitants, surrounded by vineyards and you can get there a very tasteful “Flammkuchen”. It belongs to the city Oppenheim and is close to Mainz (the capital of the State Rheinland-Pfalz, about 20 km away) and also close to Frankfrurt / Main (40 km away), which you maybe know better.

Since 2002 I’ve been teaching physics, chemistry, sometimes also mathematics at the IGS Enkenbach-Alsenborn, near by Kaiserslautern (http://www.igs-enkenbach-alsenborn.de). I’m the tutor of a 9th class and also one of the two personal teachers.
Beside my daily teaching responsibilities I’m in charge of a workshop called “JuFo”. Here I support pupils taking part in the German national competition “Jugend forscht - Schüler experimentieren”. In addition to that I’m member of the controlling group for evaluation and development of the quality program at school.

Since 2004 I’ve been a district counsellor in Selzen and for that I spend a big amount of my sparetime. This is ok, because I’m interested in politics, especially in local politics. The other part of my free time I use for going to cinema, sometimes for sport-activities like jogging, squash, horse ridding, skiing and also for hanging around with friends in a nice beer-garden/”Weinstube” (it’s a kind of simple restaurant where regional vines are served together with traditional snacks), etc. …

Working for the ETAP Group at the Institute of Physics, University of Mainz I had the chance to get a first introduction to particle physics. This was also when I learned about CERN. Since that time I have been fascinated by particle physics and so I’m really curious about what I will see/learn during my time at CERN.