Jack K. Willis
My name is Jack K. Willis and I teach at Muleshoe High School in Muleshoe,
Texas located in the far west side of the Texas panhandle. I have taught
for 37 years and I teach physics and chemistry. I also have a small student
research laboratory where my students study UV/Vis spectroscopy and cosmic-ray
detection in collaboration with FermiLab in Chicago, IL.
I am a participant in the Texas Tech University Quarknet group, a member
of the AAPT/PTRA and national workshop leader for PTRA (Physics Teachers
Resource Agent).
I live just across the Texas/New Mexico border in Portales, New Mexico.
I commute 40 miles one way each day.
My favorite hobbies are geocaching, painting (watercolor and oils), woodworking
(remodeling) and reading