Florin-Constantin Serbu

Eforie Sud


My name is Florin Serbu. I’m 49 years old. I was born in Brasov, Romania, and I teach physics at “Carmen Sylva” High School, (http://www.lefo.ro) located in Eforie Sud, on the Black Sea Coast of Romania. My students are 15-18 years old.

My professional interests are related with physics, astronomy and Earth science. I have a particular inters in using ICT in education. I build some web page to help my students learning physics, astronomy and environmental education.

During the last 10 years I have been involved in European and international activities on science education in Europe and USA:

environmental programs like GLOBE and MetLink, conferences and seminars organized by I*EARN (International Education and Resources Network) and European Schoolnet (Spring Day in Europe, Energy is our future) and 3 Comenius projects with partners from France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Holland and Denmark.

My personal interests are: traveling, hiking mountains, listening classical and modern music, reading.