pierre paccoud



I'm working as a science teacher in a Steiner-Waldorf school in Colmar, in Alsace since 22 years. My first challenge is to try to arise interest and enthousiasmus about any domain of science in my students, who are between 15 and 18 years old. I have to aim also that those who want to do that, may later go on in scientifics studies with a large feeling of their responsibility towards what is going on in the world.

I am also active in the domain of researches and improvement of practices within the circle of french waldorf science teachers.


In my school in Colmar, I care about communication and about our web-site http://www.pedagogie-steiner-colmar.infos.st


What I met here im CERN, will probably have a serious impact on the way particle physics live in my teaching, and I am ready to share about that with anyone interested. Im very gratefull to those people who offered that.
