Julie Boyle            

Glasgow, Scotland


     I have been a secondary school Physics teacher at Hutchesons’ Grammar in Glasgow for the last six years, where I have enjoyed entering pupils in the British Physics Olympiad theory papers and practical project, various West of Scotland Physics Education Group competitions and Birmingham University’s Particle Physics video competition. I previously taught GCSE and A level Physics for two years at St. Helen’s School for girls in Northwood, London. I am a member of the Institute of Physics and the Association for Science Education and I am currently a teacher fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society. During my free time I like to visit Bearsden ski club, where I have been a member for many years.

     Having thoroughly enjoyed visiting CERN on a STFC/IOP UK teachers’ programme and as part of a Goldsmiths' Particle Physics course, I am now really looking forward to a longer visit.