Maikel Garcia            

Houston, TX

     I teach Physics, Mathematics and Engineering at Carl Wunsche Sr. High School Career Academy, located in Spring, Texas. My academic degree is in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in biomedical instrumentation. Prior to becoming a teacher I worked in the communications industry for 10 years, primarily in fiber optics, working in teams with other systems engineers to design multinational land/submarine network infrastructures, and solving complex problems around the world.

     Because I came from a humble immigrant and socio-economically limited background, like many of my students, my purpose for coming into the teaching profession many years ago was to become a living testimony of possibilities; the possibilities that result not only from a renewed vision and outlook on life, but most of all from a well-grounded education.

     My teaching philosophy is constructivist and my areas of interest are Physics Education Research and Engineering Education. Contrary to popular opinion, which emphasizes on teaching more specialized content in secondary school, research and experience have shown me that in order to increase the quantity and quality of future scientists and engineers, our primary focus should remain on the teaching of fundamentals (i.e. introductory physics, mathematics, and the engineering process).

     I am married to Deyanira. We live in Texas but grew up in Florida. We have three children, all of which are very fond of science and problem-solving.