I am Hilkka koljonen-Toppila. I am teaching physics, chemistry and mathematics at secondary and high school level in Helsingin normaalilyseo, which is the Teacher Training School of University of Helsinki. I have been working in Helsingin normaalilyseo since 1996 and altogether since 1980. I am married to associate professor (medical physics) Esko Toppila and we have three children; son Antti (born 1983, Doctor and applied mathematics), daughter Anni (born 1986, student in Helsinki university of Technology) and son Tuomas (born 1989, student in open university). I am very interested in using ICT in measurements and I did my licentiate thesis from didactical physics (2005). The name of my research ”Kinesteettiset kokeet kinematiikan graafisen esityksen opetuksessa” (http://per.physics.helsinki.fi/kirjasto/ont/hkt/index.html) is in English “Kinaesthetic Experiments in Teaching Graphic presentation in Kinematics”. Presently I am collaborating with the Department of Applied Sciences of University of Helsinki, to develop a video library about different teaching methods. I am presenting in a video on how to teach kinaesthetic graphs using kinaesthetic exercises: http://www.edu.helsinki.fi/luovi/kokeellisuus/sivu2.fi.shtml During the two last years I have collaborated in Comenius-1, Teaching Physical Sciences in The 21st Century. Finland, Turkey and Spain participated in the project. In the project I am the national contact person. The homepage of the project can be found at http://www.physical-sciences.org/. We have made acquaintance with the different teaching techniques in the participating countries. The students in this project have visited at least one of the partner countries. My other main interest is applying concept maps in teaching. As programme we use CmapTools, which is very easy for students to use. The software is freeware for schools and students. You can find information about our ideas if using ICT in teaching, for instance students making concept maps in http://www.norssi.helsinki.fi/home/knen/physical_sc_helsinki_2008/