Peter nØrtoft         


     The Roskilde Gymnasium is located just opposite the cathedral of the old town Roskilde some 35 km west of Copenhagen, Denmark. In our school we teach more or less all different academic topics. The students age from 16-20 and after graduating they attend a university, studying art or science.

     I'm lecturing on physics and mathematics, elementary as well as advanced. Besides the pure science topics approximately 15% of the study time is allocated to cross subjects such as environmental science or history of science.

     I have been teaching for the last 5 years. Before that time I was managing marketing and product management of IT products for local as well as international companies.

     I hold a masters degree in physics from the Niels Bohr Institute and a BA in mathematics from Copenhagen University.

     In my leisure time I play the guitar in a local blues band or go sailing on the Roskilde Fjord.