01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09|
Exercise 3
- How many charged beam particles enter the chamber?
- In what direction is the beam moving (from the bottom to the top or vice versa)?
- Are there any knock-on electrons?
- What is the direction of the magnetic field (assuming the targets are protons)?
- How many collisions do you see?
- How many particles result from each of the collisions?
- Identify the charges of these particles.
- What is the charge of the beam particles?
- How many kinks do you see?
- How many vees do you see?
- How many particles result from the decays?
- Identify the charges of the particles from decays.
- Identify the particle that decays, forming a vee.
- Identify the particle that decays, forming a kink.
For answers click here.
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