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English - general reading
English - teacher reference
English - familiar friends
English - textbooks



Stephen Hawking. Het heelal; verleden en toekomst van ruimte en tijd. (Bert Bakker, Amsterdam, 1988)

Steven Weinberg. De eerste drie minuten. (Natuur en techniek/Maastricht-Brussel 1983)

Gerard 't Hooft. De bouwstenen van de schepping. (Prometheus Amsterdam 1992)

Steven Weinberg . Bouwstenen van het atoom. De wetten van de natuurkunde. (Natuur en Techniek 1986)

Leon M. Lederman en David N. Schramm. Van quark tot kosmos. (Natuur en Techniek 1991)

Nickolas Solomey. Het ongrijpbare neutrino. Een subatomair detectiveverhaal. (Natuur en Techniek 1999)



General Reading.

Many of the books relevant to this topic are published in English first, and are widely known by teachers. So, rather than list a lot of stuff you probably already know, here is our selection of a few more obscure texts you may find interesting! Just in case, the other stuff is still listed, further down the page!

Werner Heisenberg. Physics and Philosophy : The Revolution in Modern Science (Great Minds Series). (Prometheus Books; ISBN: 1573926949, May 1999)

Harald Fritzsch, Karin Heusch. An Equation That Changed the World : Newton, Einstein and the Theory of Relativity. (University of Chicago Press; ISBN: 0226265587, October 1997)

Gary Zukav. The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics. (Bantam Books; ISBN: 055326382X, August 1980)

Fermilab has a couple of pages that list books and journals that they think are good.

Paul Davies. The New Physics. (Cambridge UP, ISBN-0521438314, 1989) An excellent overview of the frontiers of modern physics. Advanced, so really a teacher reference or reading for very able students. (16+)

Edwin F Taylor. Feynman's Simple Quantum Mechanics. (University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1996) Feynman is always worth reading though often advanced. (16+)

Various .............. for Beginners. (Icon Books, UK)
A whole series of books explaining a wide variety of subjects. They are cartoon style illustrated, very accessible, clear in their text and explanations and at just the right level for pre-university students. Also an excellent source of diagrams and analogies for the teacher. Titles include:

Einstein. (special relativity) (ISBN-1874166021, 1992)
Hawking. (general relativity) (ISBN-1874166250, 1995)
Quantum Theory. (ISBN-1874166374, 1996)
The Universe. (modern cosmology) (ISBN-1874166064, 1993)
            (14+, or brighter younger students)
Tony Hey and Patrick Walters. Einstein's Mirror. (Cambridge UP, ISBN-0521435323, 1997). The companion to their excellent "The Quantum Universe", this covers relativity.

Michael Gullem. Five Equations That Changed The World. (Little, Brown, ISBN-0316910872, 1995). A history of the discovery and influence of five of the most important formulae in physics.

Teacher Reference.

Andrée Tiberghien, E. Leonard Jossem, and Jorge Barojas (eds.).Connecting Research in Physics Education with Teacher Education. (1998) Teacher reference material on education theory.

Robert Ehrlich. Turning the World Inside Out, and 174 other simple physics demonstrations. (Princeton UP, 1990, ISBN-0691023956) Not really a textbook but a very useful reference on physics experiments.

Robert Ehrlich. Why Toast Lands Jelly-Side Down. (Princeton UP, 1997, ISBN-0691028877). The companion volume to the above - more of the same.

R. L. Weber (ed.). A Random Walk in Science. (IOP, 1973, ISBN-085498027X) An excellent collection of odd, interesting short pieces on physics, including my absolute favourite "Heaven is hotter then Hell".

Yuri B. Chernyak & Robert M. Rose. The Chicken from Minsk. (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1995, ISBN-0297816888). A collection of physics brain teasers, with solutions.

Familiar friends.

John Gribbin. In Search of Schrodinger's Cat : Quantum Physics and Reality. (Bantam Books; ISBN: 0553342533,September 1984)

John Gribbin, Mark Chimsky. Schrodinger's Kittens and the Search for Reality : Solving the Quantum Mysteries. (Back Bay Books; ISBN: 0316328197, May 1996)

Richard Feynman. The Character of Physical Law. (Random House; ISBN: 0679601279, September 1994)

Richard Feynman. Qed : The Strange Theory of Light and Matter. (Princeton University Press; ISBN: 0691024170, October 1988)

Richard Feynman, Ralph Leighton. 'What Do You Care What Other People Think?' : Further Adventures of a Curious Character. (Bantam Books;  ISBN: 0553347845, November 1989)

Richard Feynman. 'Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!' : Adventures of a Curious Character. (WW Norton & Company; ISBN: 0393316041, April 1997)

George Gamow. Mr Tompkins in Paperback. (Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 0521447712, Canto Series, April 1993)

Freeman Dyson. Infinite in all Directions.  (Penguin Books, London, 1995) This, or anything else by Dyson really. Rarely about the specifics of the science but always thought provoking on its philosophical and sociological implications. (16+)

Murray Gell-Mann. The Quark and the Jaguar. (Little, Brown and Company, London, 1994) Accessible and interesting. Covers the range the title suggests. (16+)

Alan Lightman. Einstein's Dreams. (McGraw Hill, New York, 1992) A clear exposition of the principles of relativity. (16+)

Gordon Fraser, Egil Lillestol, Inge Sellevåg. In Search of Infinity. Like Lillestol's his lectures, very good and a thorough but simple grounding in particle physics and cosmology. Sold at the reception desk at CERN.

Abraham Pais. Subtle is the Lord: the Science and Life of Albert Einstein. (Oxford UP, Oxford, 1982) Mainly biographical but some interesting scientific sidelines.

Victor F Weisskopf. Physics in the Twentieth Century. (MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1972)

Edward Harrison. Darkness at Night, a Riddle of Our Universe. (Harvard UP, 1987) A good overview of cosmology and astronomy. (16+)

Igor Norikov. Black Holes and the Universe. (Canto, 1995)

Steven Weinberg. The First Three Minutes. (Basic Books, 1988) A classic of popular science!

G. D. Coughlan and J.E.Dodd. The Ideas of Particle Physics. (Cambridge University Press)

W. Heisenberg (translated into English by C. Eckart and F.C. Hoyt).The Principles of the Quantum Theory. (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1930, reprinted in 1949 by Dover Publications Inc., New York.) A classic on the subject though really a reference book.

E.P. Wigner. Symmetries and Reflections. (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1967)

Fred Hoyle. The Nature of the Universe. (Blackwell, 1950)

Sir Arthur Eddington. The Expanding Universe. (Cambridge UP, 1946)

John D. Barrow. The Left Hand of Creation. (Basic Books, 1952)

Werner Heisenberg. Physics and Beyond. (George Allen & Unwin, 1971)


The Nuffield Foundation. Waves, Particles, and Atoms; Nuffield Advanced Science, Physics, unit 10. (Penguin Books Ltd., Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, 1971) Contains short pieces on the key ideas but Nuffield books usually need the support of a second text. (16+)

Peter Landshoff, Allen Metherell and Gareth Ress. Essential Quantum Physics. (Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 1997) Undergraduate level text book. Possibly useful as a teacher reference.

Michael Zeilik. Conceptual Astronomy. (John Wiley & Sons, 1993) Good accessible overview of modern astrophysical theory including some of the links to particle physics.

Particle Physics Project Team. Particle Physics. (Holbrooks, Portsmouth, 1992)

Science Foundation Course Team. Science: Units 30, 31, 32. (The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, 1988)

Edward F Redish and Richard Steinberg. A New Model Course in Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers. (University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 1996)

F. James Rutherford, Gerald Holton, and Fletcher G. Watson (directors). The Project Physics Course especially Unit 5 (Models of the Atom) and Unit 6 (The Nucleus). (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1970)



John Barrow. Les Origines de l'Univers. (Hachette, 1994)



Hartmut Wiesner. Beitrage zur Didaktik des Unterrichts über Quantenphysik in der Oberstufe. (Westarp, Essen, 1989)

Lichtfeldt. Schülervorstellungen in der Quantenphysik und ihre Möglichen Veränderungen durch.  (Unterricht. Westarp, Essen, 1991)

www.desy.de/pr-info/desy-literaturliste_d.html List of general physics references, including many on particle physics. Mostly in German but some in English.

John Gribbin. Auf der Suche nach Schrödingers Katze. Quantenphysik und Wirklichkeit. (Piper, Mchn.; ISBN: 3492213537, 1996)

John Gribbin. Schrödingers Kätzchen und die Suche nach der Wirklichkeit. (Fischer-TB.-Vlg.,Ffm; ISBN: 3596141516, 1998)

Richard Feynman. Kümmert Sie, was andere Leute denken? Neue Abenteuer eines neugierigen Physikers. (Piper, Mchn.; ISBN: 3492221661, 1996)

Richard Feynman. QED, Die seltsame Theorie des Lichts und der Materie. (Piper, Mchn.; ISBN: 3492215629)

Richard Feynman. Sie belieben wohl zu scherzen,Mr.Feynman'. Abenteuer eines neugierigen Physikers. (Piper, Mchn.; ISBN: 3492213472, 1996)

Richard Feynman. Vom Wesen physikalischer Gesetze. (Piper, Mchn.; ISBN: 3492217486, 1993)

Harald Fritzsch. Eine Formel verändert die Welt. Newton, Einstein und die Relativitätstheorie. (Piper, Mchn.; ISBN: 3492213251, 1990)

Harald Fritzsch. Quarks. Urstoff unserer Welt.Taschenbuch. (Piper, Mchn.; ISBN: 3492116558 , Dec. 1992)

Werner Heisenberg. Physik und Philosophie. (Hirzel, Stgt.; ISBN: 3777604577, 1990)

Werner Heisenberg. Der Teil und das Ganze. Gespräche im Umkreis der Atomphysik. (Piper, Mchn.; ISBN: 3492222978, 1996)

Gary Zukav. Die tanzenden Wu Li Meister. (Rowohlt TB-V., Rnb.; ISBN: 3499179105, 1985)



Steven Weinberg. I Primi Tre Minuti. (Mondadori, 1995)



cappelen.no/cappelen/cuv/verk_setup.asp?verk_id=RST2FY&samlefag_id=FYSIKK  A list of reference books suitable for use in Norwegian schools.



Frank Close. La Cebolla Cosmica. (Gutica, 1998, Barcelona)

Steven Weinberg. Los Tres Primenos Minutos del Universo. (Alianza Editorial, 1978, Madrid)

Steven Weinberg. Particulas Subatomicas. (Prensa Gentifica, 1985, Barcelona)

Harold Fritzsch. Los Quarks, la Materia Prima del Universo. (Alianza Editorial, 1982, Madrid)

Martin Gardner. Izquienda y Derecha en el Cosmos. (Salvat, 1973, Barcelona)






C. M. E. Otten. Elementaire deeltjes - Het onderzoek naar de bouwstenen der materie. (Natuur en techniek  9/80, p. 674-689)

M. Veltman. De organisatie van elementaire deeltjes. (Natuur en techniek 10/80, p. 774-789)

B. Jongejans. Deeltjes met tover. (Natuur en techniek 3/81, p. 222-241)

A. N. Diddens. Deeltjesversnellers - Op zoek naar het allerkleinste. (Natuur en techniek 4/81, p. 300-317)

W. Hoogland. Detectie van elementaire deeltjes. (Natuur en techniek 9/81, p. 680-695)

N. Cabibbo. De grote unificatie - Alle natuurkrachten onder  een noemer? (Natuur en techniek 8/83, p. 606-625)

S. Hawking. De theoretische fysica - Einde in zicht? (Natuur en techniek 10/83, p. 742-757)

R. A. Kunne. De sterke kernkracht. (Natuur en techniek 8/87, p. 666-679)

G. 't Hooft. Elementaire krachten. (Natuur en techniek 3/88, p. 220-233)

K.J.F. Gaemers. Neutrinobundels. (Natuur en techniek 12/88, p. 976-981)

B. de Raad. Leptonen in de LEP - Grensoverschrijdende experimenten. (Natuur en techniek 7/89, p. 510-521)

P.J.G. Mulders. Spinpuzzel - De rol van de tollende quarks. (Natuur en techniek 6/91, p. 448-459)

F. A. Bais en F. A. Muller. Supersnaren. (Natuur en techniek 9/91, p. 672-695)

C. Sutton. Deeltjesversnellers. (Natuur en techniek 12/93, p. 976-983)

C. Sutton. Een wereld van quarks. (Natuur en techniek 10/94, p. 754-761)

P. van Baal. Topfysica - Zoeken naar de zesde quark. (Natuur en techniek 12/94, p. 902-915)

Interview met Gerard 't Hooft. (Natuur en techniek 10/95, p. 662-669)

M. van der Heijden. Een deeltje van niets - Neutrinoís. (Natuur en techniek 3/96, p. 14-25)

P. Van Duppen. Isolde - Fabriek van exotische atomen. (Natuur en techniek 11/96, p. 64-75)

P. Verkerk. Neutronen. (Natuur en techniek 1/99, p. 26-57)



N.D. Mermin. Quantum mysteries refined. (Am. J. of Ph., 62 pp. 880--887, 1994)

I.D. Johnston, K. Crawford, and P.R. Fletcher. Student difficulties in learning quantum mechanics. (Int. J. Sci. Educ., 20 pp. 427--446, 1998)

Contact: Hanley@southbridge.demon.co.uk Last modified: 14.10.99
© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN.