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Particle Physics Links.

These sites are primarily related to particle physics.  Many offer good web-based introductions to the theory and the experiments.
The Particle Adventure
This is the easiest to use version of an award-winning interactive web tour of particle physics.
Build an Atom with your Computer
Highly recommended. Comes with worksheet.
ALEPH events for Schools.
Interactive work using genuine ALEPH events. 
In German.
Sub-Atomics: A guide to intelligent-sounding physics lingo! 
An interesting (and well done!) qualitative summary of particle physics created by a student.
Particle Physics Introduction by Fermi Lab 
Fermilab Education Office
Many links, on-line activities, and resources for educators
Education Programs and Resources
This is the web-linked talk given to the CERN teachers by Liz Quigg of FermiLab.  Under web-based resources there are a number of son-line simulations at Fermilab and elsewhere.  Everything she spoke about is here.
An Introduction to Particle Physics 
A text-based introduction to particle physics from the Rutherford Lab (UK)
SLAC's Virtual Visitor Center
A very nice site with explanatory sections on the linear accelerator, particle physic theory, detectors, history and more. 
Particle Physics in the UK
Connected to CERN Outreach, a good jumpsite for particle physics, not only for the UK.  Includes resources for schools.
Boston University's ATLAS Education Website
An excellent site for introductions to particle physics, ATLAS, etc.  Includes wonderful EventMaker simulation of particle collisions.
A Multimedia Tour through Particle Physics 
A nice site in German, with good pictures.
World Wide Web Interactive Real Event Display
http://vanh.physto.se/~hoc/ (Stockholm mirror site)
Hands on CERN.Although still being perfected, this is a project we have been shown at CERN.  It allows students to analyze real detector data.  A CD-ROM is in the works.
Ba-Bar and the Missing Antimatter
Why is there more matter than antimatter? Easy to understand site on CP symmetry violation experiment.
Seeing particles
Bubble chamber photographs and exercises for schools
Identifying events at LEP
Self guided tutorial for selected events at OPAL - with the answers!
All about neutrinos
An informative guide to neutrinos.
Particles and the Universe
.pdf file of an excellent article and lecture by Prof.Peter Kalmus.

Contact: Hanley@southbridge.demon.co.uk Last modified: 29.02.00

© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN.