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Links to Lists of Links.
Many organizations have compiled various lists of links to particle physics and physics education web sites. Below are some good lists of links to check out.
You might also like to look at the list of APPLET sites, which appears on the General Physics page.
Oundle School Physics Archive
http://www.oundle.demon.co.uk/physics/archive/archive.htm |
An excellent list of links, made by created by one of our own! |
CPEP's Particle Physics Education Sites
http://pdg.lbl.gov/cpep/othersites.html |
One of the best collections of particle physics links around. Compiled by the Contermporary Physics Education Project |
Fermilab's On-line Resources for Teachers
http://www-ed.fnal.gov/url_index.html |
A small list of largely U.S. based resources |
Useful Websites for Schools (and other!)
http://webnt.physics.ox.ac.uk/documents/WebGuide/default.html |
Christine Sutton - Oxford University -excellent and discriminating listing. |
The Virtual Library: Physics
http://vlib.org/Physics.html |
This list is hard to use, but does have many links to High Energy physics institutions/departments. |
Online educational resources for Physics teachers
http://www.ba.infn.it/www/didattica.html |
Many resources of very diverse types, but a hard list to navigate. Includes virtual labs, java applets and math tools. |
Hands-on Science Centers Worldwide
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/usr/mwm/www/sci.html |
A large list of hands-on science centers around the world |
U.S. National Science Foundation's Teacher Resources
http://www.ehr.nsf.gov/ehr/teachlinks/html/teachlinks.htm |
A relatively small list of links. Physics links can be found under "Other Sciences," somehow not meriting a section to itself! |
Links for Second Level Physics Teachers
http://www.physics.ucg.ie/~gary/teacher_links.html |
A good list of links for physics teachers; compiled at the National University of Ireland. |
Interesting Sites for Physics Teachers
http://www.uwrf.edu/physics/teacherfavorites.html |
Links to many types of physics pagesómostly U.S. based |
Links zur Physik/Teilchenphysik
http://www.desy.de/pr-info/physiklinks_d.html |
A large list of German web resources, from DESY (mostly in German) |
Contact: Hanley@southbridge.demon.co.uk | Last modified: 01.03.00 |
© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN.