High School Teachers



Bubble Chamber Relativity    

    Teachers Calculations

If we assume that that we have 1 (one) missing particle X, we now know that the energy of the particle is

EX= 3.53939 GeV

In order to identify the particle X, we have to calculate its mass.

To do that we will use the energy-relation

E2 = p2 c2 + m2 c4

We have already calculated Ex, and we can find the momentum px.

of the particle, because momentum must be conserved in all processes.

We can then calculate the mass from the expression


Now, we have to calculate px, and then px2, using momentum conservation.

Because the momentum conservation law is a vector law, we can apply the law in x-, y- and z-directions separately. 

From the tables we get (in momentum units GeV/c):

px (X) = px (K-) - px (p) - px (p-)

px (X) = 8.26131 - 0.32426 - 4.49326 = 3.44309




py (X) = - 0.15642 - (-0.45360) - 0.73621 = -0.43903

pz (X) = 0.01320 - 0.04282 - (-0.51122) = 0.48160


This gives us for the X-particle p = 3.50421 GeV/c


From the calculated values of energy and momentum, expression (2) gives us mX = 497.8 MeV/c2.

 Using the particle table you now can identify the neutral particle.


© CERN and High School Teachers Programme at CERN
Last modified: 25 July 2001