Typical set of measure points on tracks (small crosses)

Inspecting a bubble chamber picture of a neutrino interaction

01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10

Measurements and Data Processing

The aim of the bubble chamber picture data processing system is to produce well-measured values for the energy E and momentum (px, py, pz) of each particle produced in a collision.

The details are very complicated technically, so here we will limit ourselves to listing some of the key ideas:

8213.4 -248.3 15.2 8232.0  
0.0 0.0 0.0 938.3  
Total 8213.4 -248.3 15.2 9170.3 initial state
1481.8 27.8 224.0 1578.1  
149.7 -11.3 38.8 208.6  
37.9 -122.2 -22.7 190.7  
1508.6 128.5 -70.5 1782.6  
3545.6 -162.9 -245.0 3592.4  
Total 6723.6 -140.1 -75.4 7352.4 final state

A brief inspection of these figures shows that there is less energy and momentum in the final state, showing that at least one neutral particle has escaped.

Exercise. What can you say about what is missing? (Click here to find out)

The purpose of the data processing is to provide as full a record as possible of all the interactions found in an experiment - which typically might have tens or even hundreds of thousands of interactions.

These are then analyzed by programs written by physicists to compare the results of the experiment with current theoretical ideas.


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