01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09| 10

Exercise 2


  1. In what direction is the beam going?
  2. How many beam tracks are there?
  3. How many collisions are there?
  4. How many vees are there?
  5. How many kinks are there?
  6. What does the fact that you see a track indicate?
  7. How can you tell if two tracks represent particles of the opposite charge?
  8. What physical property of a particle is determined by the curvature of its track?
  9. What causes a kink?
  10. What causes a vee?
  11. What are the small crosses?
  12. What is the charge of the target particles?
  13. What is the charge of the beam?
  14. In which direction are the neutral particle(s) moving from the kinks?
  15. What needs to happen for a track to kink twice?
  16. How does the difference in mass between the initial state (before the kink) and the final state (after the kink) affect the angle of the kink?
  17. What particles can cause a vee?
  18. From which point do the particles that cause the vees come?

For answers to questions in logical order, click here.

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