Lesson two: (bio)matter and 'light'.


1. To know that all biological matter is made of elementary particles.
2. To know electromagnetic spectrum.
3. To study common interactions between biological matter and EM spectrum.
4. To relate particle physics to living world.


“What does photon do for pupils”


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1. Bubble photon detector
2. Investigations with another source of radiation example: infra-red remote control, microwaves for mobile phones, (x-rays in animations), UV light, luminescence of minerals (cf Natural History Museum, Geneva);
3. Activities relating eyes as photon detectors (including biological structure and function of eyes i.e. cones and rods)

  • Daltonism tests
  • Colour blind tests



1. Animations–
interaction photon and matter
Animation - Journey of a photon
i.i. Writing letter/ photon analogy

If time allows, teacher to inform pupils about bubble chamber and its role in discovery of anti-matter (CERN to make bubble chamber web site applicable for this lesson)

OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: pupils to make cloud chamber